ICFAI Business School

  1. Rural marketing in India is seen by many as a huge growth opportunity, considering that about 72 percent of Indian population still lived in rural areas (according to 2001 census).What are the prospects for companies planning to enter the rural market? Base your case on data on the consumption patterns and potential of rural India. And what are the challenges? What are the factors that will decide the success of a rural marketing initiative? Describe some successful and unsuccessful Indian rural marketing initiatives in recent times.
  2. Energy from wind power is becoming an increasingly significant source of energy, considering that the price of oil is getting dearer. This is especially so for oil-deficient developing nations like India which meet their energy needs by importing oil. Providing facts and figures, analyze the opportunities and challenges that wind energy companies face in setting up wind farms in India. Also, do you think wind energy is viable if the government decides to stop extending subsidies?
  3. With natural and human-made disasters on the rise in recent times, disaster management has become a buzz word. What are disaster management systems, and how do they help individuals and organizations deal with disasters? Describe some instances where disaster management systems have helped to mitigate the scale of a disaster, and others where their absence increased the magnitude of the disaster.
  4. Multinational companies operating in India have for long lamented the fact that there is a lack of employable candidates despite there being a large number of graduate and post-graduate colleges in the country. According to a 2005 McKinsey study, only 25 per cent of our engineering graduates,15 per cent of our finance and accounting professionals and 10 percent of professionals with any kind of degrees, in India, are suitable for working in multinational companies. With help of relevant facts and figures evaluate the extent of this problem in India? What do you think are the main reasons for the shortage of employable candidates? What concrete steps should the government and the corporations take in order to address this situation.
  5. According to analysts, the India-US nuclear deal underscores India's emergence as a global power. Do you agree with this conclusion? Why or Why not? With relevant facts and figures evaluate the economic and political implications of the deal. Describe the impact of this deal on India's growing energy requirements?
  6. E-learning initiatives are attempting at substituting the face-to-face classroom teacher with a virtual classroom. With the help of relevant examples, facts and figures evaluate the E-learning industry in India with special emphasis on its growth. Some experts feel that though this medium of teaching/learning is appropriate for distance education, it cannot be used effectively in higher education. Do you agree with this statement? Justify your view
  7. The healthcare sector in India contributes about 5.2% to the GDP. Discuss the evolution and growth of the healthcare sector in India, giving facts and figures. Who are the major players in this sector? Is privatization of the health sector desirable or should the government make efforts to improve the public healthcare system? Justify your answer . Should the government allow foreign investment in the health sector? What are the future prospects for this sector, particularly in view of the rise in 'medical tourism'?
  8. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) helps a company to develop and nurture relationships with its customers. In the 2000s, the adoption of IT-based CRM systems has increased. Describe some of the ways in which IT can be used to support CRM initiatives, giving specific examples. Also, explain what could go wrong in such IT-based initiatives, giving examples of failed initiatives.
  9. Eco-tourism has emerged as a major attraction in recent years. What is eco-tourism? Providing facts and figures and information on companies specializing in eco-tourism, discuss the growth of eco-tourism in India and other parts of the world. Some environmentalists contend that eco-tourism actually harms the environment, while others argue that it brings in money that can be used to protect the environment. What is your view on this? Support your answer with facts, figures, and examples of successful and unsuccessful eco-tourism projects.
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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