SIBM, Hyderabad (2019-20)

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The process of selection at SIBM consists of WAT, Group Exercise, psychometric test and personal interview.
Feedback – WAT
Duration: 15 minutes
Word Limit: both sides of given sheet
  • Use of cellphones in class is ethical or not?
  • ‘Make in India’ or ‘Make for India’?
Feedback – Group Exercise
No. of participants: 10
Total Duration: 10 minutes
  • The group was divided into two teams of 5 people each, based on a certain criteria. Both the teams were told to choose their team name. They were required to explain why they chose the name. Further they were to write their team name on a piece of paper which was stuck to a desk with the help of a marker that was tied to strings. Each member had to hold the strings and not the marker and write down the name. The challenge was to keep the marker in such a position that the team name could be written legibly. Lastly, the team was to explain what went right and went wrong for them in the process.
  • The candidates were told to split themselves into two groups of 5 people each in 10 seconds and then explain the basis of their categorisation. They were asked if they wanted to swap any group members. The candidates were to go to a table which had a wooden block of cube with a nail hammered halfway in the center of the cube. They were required to balance similar 10 more nails on the already hammered nail and given 3 minutes for the task. Finally, the facilitator asked each group what they had learnt in the whole process and were given 30 seconds to come up with one answer per group.
Feedback – Psychometric Test
Time Limit: 15 minutes
The psychometric test consisted of 85 questions. Questions were situational or behavioral kind. There were no wrong or right answers.
Feedback - Personal Interview
Duration: 10-15 minutes
No. of panelists: 2
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Excerpt from Interview 1-
Candidate Profile: Work Experience of few years
Introduce yourself. Why do you want to do MBA? And how will it benefit you? Why did you leave Yes Bank and joined NPCI? So how much was the total fee required to study in college (hostel and tuition fees put together)? What is Operations? And how is it different from Finance, HR, Marketing, and Accounting? So, which specialization you prefer to pursue in SIBM? Do you have any questions for us?
Excerpt from Interview 2-
Candidate Profile: Fresher
Tell us about yourself. Why do you want to do MBA? Why don’t you get a job first and then apply for MBA after some years? What is your family background? Which specialisation do you want to take? Why SIBM? What other options do you have? Tell me about your strengths and weaknesses. What are your hobbies? So, can you tell me about the biggest challenge you faced in life? And what did you learn from it?
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