Xavier Inst. of Mgmt., Bhubaneswar

The process of selection at XIMB consists of Group Discussion followed by Personal Interview.
Feedback-Group Discussion
Average Duration: 6-8 mins.
No. of Panelists: 3
No. of Participants:10
Process: After around 6 mins. of discussion 2 mins were given to conclude and 2 mins. To write summary.
  • Red or Green: Which one do you prefer?
  • We do not need a rural management degree for rural management?
  • Swadesh is no longer relevant in India.
  • Women empowerment can only lead to social empowerment.
  • Films are corrupting Indian Youth
Feedback- Personal Interview
Average Duration: 10 mins.
No. of Panelists: 3
  • Excerpts From Interview 1: (A B. Tech. ECE with falling academics i.e. 67.6% in graduation, 82.6 in 12th and 90.2% in 10th and no work-ex; belongs to Patna): Introduce yourself? Your father (Lawyer)? What cases does he handle? Tell us about the economic, social and political challenges in Patna? What was the fodder scam all about? What do you want to specialize in? (Finance) What is sub-prime crisis? Why is there a downward trend in your marks?
  • Excerpts From Interview 2: (A B. Tech. ECE with academics as 75% in graduation, 85% in 12th and 81% in 10th and no work-ex): Career path? Why MBA? Hobbies (Swimming, Volleyball)? How do you manage time between study and hobbies? What is rural management? Why are you interested in it? What is SEZ? Tell about the NAREGA policy?
  • Excerpts From Interview 3: (A B.A. candidate with falling academics and no work-ex): Why Rural Management? Why are you opting for it after doing Engineering? Why should we choose you? What is Rashtriya Service Scheme? Why don't you go for social management?(Convinced them) What are the positives of Bhuvneshwar? One negative of being in Bhuvneshwar?
  • Excerpts From Interview 4: (A B.Tech. Mechanical pass out with academics falling and all above 66% in graduation and a work-ex of 5 months in a NGO): What did you have for lunch and breakfast? Why did you not opt for a technical job after graduation? How many members were there in the NGO you worked for? Who gave you the salary? Why not MS in social work? If we open a refrigerator's door, will the temperature of the room drop? What is the 2nd law of thermodynamics?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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