Last-minute tips to prepare for MBA Interview

Preparing for an MBA interview? Then, you must be aware of the secret to cracking it with a good score. In this article, we give you 7 last-minute tips, critical to your success in a B-school interview. Keeping these in mind and applying them relevantly may enhance your probability to do better!
MBA admission interview is your finest chance to present your strongest skills to the interviewers and provides an opportunity for the panel to learn more about you. It is a crucial part of every B-school's admission process and determines your final selection. In this, the interviewers evaluate the candidate's ability to decide in ethical dilemmas, utilise their past experiences to solve issues, and address problems, particularly those that are business-related. So, you must prepare for MBA interview well enough.
1. Be professional
Being professional is a big expectation the panel has of you, since you are enrolling for a program aimed at preparing you for a professional career in the Business World. Professional behaviour puts you on a higher pedestal as compared to others and demonstrates a commitment to task. While you are expected to maintain a professional demeanour throughout the interview process, it begins with something as a basic as arriving on time and being well-presented. Professionalism is also reflected in the level of preparedness for the interview; hence it is beneficial to thoroughly prepare beforehand - the extent of your preparation will become clear as the day unfolds!
2. Be positive
Positive people are not only more pleasant to interview but also, they are easier to connect with. Your aim is to come across as someone who is not only capable, but who would fit into the program. The program is set to put you through a lot of stress, most of which is due to peer pressure. A positive attitude will serve as a lubricant in helping you to connect with the peer group better.
3. Be personable
It’s not always easy, but try and be yourself (your best professional self).Try to get your personality across in a way that’s natural. Being natural does not imply that you do not adequately prepare for the interview day. On the other hand, it implies that you go well prepared and yet sound original and natural. Give them something to remember you, and an effective way of doing so it to brand yourself in a strategic manner. For example, building up a personal value proposition around your strengths, is a good branding strategy.
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4. Be friendly
Some candidates are so focused on the challenges of the day that they forget that:
  • Their behaviour is being assessed at all times.
  • The assessors are human beings and are pre-disposed to favour people who are pleasant!.
Being friendly enables you to establish a relationship with the panel. However, friendliness does not mean that you discount professional behaviour.
5. Be interested
You have to constantly show your involvement in the process. The following may help in this direction:-
  • Avoid looking/sounding indifferent.
  • Listen actively and respond in an alert manner.
  • Participate in the process. 
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6. Be conscientious
This implies that you come across as a sincere person willing to do your work /duty well and thoroughly.If you’re not sure about something, ask.You don’t want to appear neurotic, but it’s important that you’re perceived as someone who is giving 100% to be the successful candidate.
7. Be Confident
Confidence stems from:
  • Clarity of thought, which can be reflected in basic dimensions like reasons for pursuing an MBA program, career plan etc.
  • Content, which measures the depth of knowledge?  You are required to prepare well your graduation basics, projects, internships, favourite subject(s) etc.
  • Poise, which demonstrates balance and composure in your personality.
FAQs about MBA Interview Tips
1. What should I study for MBA interview?
Firstly, you should review the fundamentals of your academic background, in case you need to revise it. You also need to be aware of the current events and latest developments in the corporate world. Finally, be well-versed with the key points of your profile, especially the ones from which questions can be asked.
2. What skills does an MBA give you?
MBA education is aimed at imparting you the required knowledge of business, management, economics and related developments. Its curriculum covers activities that train students in leadership, networking, strategic thinking, negotiation, and other aspects of management.
3. Do all MBA applicants get interviews?
All the students shortlisted for the next stage of MBA admissions have to appear for a personal interview round.
4. What percentage of MBA interviews get accepted?
Once you are shortlisted and called for the interview, there is an above 40% chance that you will get selected. However, the ratio of selections varies from B-school to B-school. Most of them called the number of candidates thrice the admission seats.
5. What happens after an MBA interview?
After you have given your interview, you will learn about its result after a few weeks and if you are selected, you will just need to do the requisite formalities to confirm the admission.
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