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MBA Interview Questions - Career and Hobbies
A Comprehensive list of Top 100 Career and Hobbies MBA Interview Questions
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Top 100 Career and Hobbies Questions asked in MBA Interviews
Career & Education Based Questions
What are your personal and professional goals?
What is your short term and long term career objective?
What is your ultimate goal in life?
Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
Where do you see yourself in 10 years from now?
Which specialization would you want to opt for in MBA and why?
How does MBA add value to your life?
How does MBA make you more credible?
How will MBA help you in achieving your goals?
How will your graduation help you in your MBA?
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Would you have wasted your 4 years of engineering by doing MBA?
Which other B-School calls have you received?
Why did you opt for your field of graduation?
What are your expectations from this course of management?
What are your expectations from a B School?
What do you wish to learn from this program?
Why does management as a career attract you?
Since you are already earning, so why do you want to do an MBA?
Tell us at least 5 things that you expect to learn from a B-school.
What is the biggest advantage of MBA?
What parameters would you consider while choosing a B-School?
Why do you want to pursue an MBA before having work-experience?
Why do you want to pursue an MBA from this institute?
30 years down the line where do you see yourself?
Are you ready to risk your salary and a good job for an MBA degree?
But why not join IAS if you like challenges?
Describe the role that you will play after your management degree ?
How does a B School prepare you for the industry when it cannot mimic an industry environment?
Tell us about your skill sets that are going to be useful in MBA.
What prompted you to prepare for an MBA entrance in spite of having a background in the medical field?
What would you bring to the learning environment in this B-School?
When did you decide to do your MBA?
Why do you want to pursue MBA and why specifically HR?
Why do you want to go for an MBA when you could have attended other Management Development Programs?
Who was Taylor? What did he contribute to management?
What do you like about marketing?
Do you know any one HR person who is famous?
Explain a few principles of management.
Tell us what do you mean by a business model.
What are the colleges known for HR?
What are the five basic branches of management studies?
What are the functionalities of HR?
What are the Pros and Cons of doing an MBA now?
What are the roles of an HR manager in a company?
What is the contribution of Henry Fayol to management?
What is the difference between personnel and human resource management?
What is the practical application of marketing?
What particular specialization would you like to take up in MBA?
What should be the general objectives of business?
What specialization would you like to opt for?
Which subjects would you opt for in case you get selected?
Do you wish to be an entrepreneur?
Why do you want to specialize in marketing?
Why do you want to specialize in finance?
Why do you want to specialize in operations?
Why do you want to specialize in HR?
Why IT to HR? You are from an IT Background, Why MBA in HR?
Which CEO do you admire the most?
Why management after engineering from BITS Pilani?
You are from a commerce background, Why MBA and not CA?
Why MBA is more important for you at this stage when you have a decent job in hand?
Relate MBA to your long term career goals.
You have done B.Tech, why not pursue M.Tech. after that?
Why MBA? Why not Civil Services?
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Hobbies Based Questions
Tell me about your interests.
Tell us about your hobbies.
Can you tell me any change of rules that has taken place in the last 10 years in the game of hockey?
Can you tell me what ‘reverse swing’ is?
Do you watch movies? What are 3D & 4D movies?
How do you define good/bad photography?
Tell us some Mudras in Kathak as it is one of your hobbies.
How does Kathak vary from other dance forms?
Don't you think you should focus on activities other than Kathak?
How many types of guitars are there?
Which magazines do you like to read?
Questions on Cover Stories of leading magazines if someone mentions reading magazines as one of his hobbies.
Questions related to reading (hobbies) and the last read book.
How much time do you take to complete a Sudoku puzzle?
Which band do you like? And why?
Tell me how many European championships has Chelsea won? Okay, tell me a great management guy in football.
Tell us something about Five Point Someone.
What are the different strokes in swimming?
What do you do in your leisure time?
What have you done in theatre?
What have you learned from sports?
What is Madhubani art?
What is the difference between Kuchipudi and Kathak?
What kind of paintings do you make?
What records does Michael Phelps hold?
Which is your favorite band?
Which is your favorite song?
Who is the biggest theatre personality according to you in India?
Who is the highest paid player in the sport you like?
Who is the world champion in Swimming?
Why don't you choose football as a career?
Which book did you read last? What did you learn from that book?
Which business magazines do you read?
You also have a certificate of mountaineering. What was it all about?
How has participating in Sports improved your personality?
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