Interview Question Bank : Electrical Engineering

Top 100 Electrical Engineering Questions for MBA Interviews
  • In what units is Resistance measured?
  • The number of microamperes in 2 milliamperes is how much?
  • An electric heater draws 3.5 A from a 110 V source. What is the resistance of the heating element?
  • If 750 μA is flowing through 11k Ω resistance, what is the voltage drop across the resistor?
  • A resistor is connected across a 50 V source. What is the current in the resistor if the color code is red, orange, and silver?
  • Approximately how many milliamperes of current flow through a circuit with a 40 V source and 6.8k Ωof resistance?
  • When converting 1,600 kilohms to megaohms, the result is?
  • When there is 12 mA of current through a 1.2 k Ω resistor, the voltage across the resistor is how much?
  • What is inrush current?
  • In a Tap changing transformer, where is the tap connected? Is it connected in the primary side or the secondary side?
  • Why are transformer ratings in KVA?
  • What is the difference between fuse and breaker?
  • What is the difference between delta-delta and delta-star transformer?
  • Capacitor is load free component but why ampere meter shows current when capacitor bank breaker closes?
  • Why is electricity in India in the multiples of 11 like 11kv, 22kv, 33kv?
  • Why do we use AC and not DC system in India?
  • Which type of motor is used in trains, what is the rating of supply used? Explain the working principal.
  • Are battery banks connected in series or in parallel and why?
  • Differentiate between megger test equipment and contact resistance meter test instruments.
  • When do we connect the large capacitor back in series?
  • What is electrical diversity factor in electrical installations?
  • Why is field rheostat kept in minimum position while armature rheostat is kept in maximum position?
  • Why does the humming sound occur in computers in HT transmission line?
  • What is rated speed?
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  • What is the difference between resistance grounding system and resistance earthing system?
  • When a fourth resistor is connected in series with three resistors, does the total resistance increase or decrease and by how much?
  • A sine wave voltage is applied across an inductor. When the frequency of the voltage is decreased, does the current increase or decrease?
  • What is electrical diversity factor in electrical installations?
  • How do you increase the winding resistance of a coil?
  • When the current through an inductor decreases, does the amount of energy stored in the electromagnetic field increase or decrease?
  • In a three-phase system, the voltages are separated by how many degrees?
  • In a three-phase system, when the loads are perfectly balanced, how much is the neutral current?
  • When the current through an inductor is cut in half, what happens to the amount of energy stored in the electromagnetic field?
  • A certain transformer has 400 turns in the primary winding and 2,000 turns in the secondary winding. The turns ratio is?
  • If the cross-sectional area of a magnetic field increases, but the flux remains the same, does the flux density increase or decrease?
  • How many primary volts must be applied to a transformer with a turns ratio of 0.1 to obtain a secondary voltage of 9 V?
  • What is the function of a transformer?
  • What happens when the current through the coil of an electromagnet reverses?
  • A coil of wire is placed in a changing magnetic field. If the number of turns in the coil is decreased, the voltage induced across the coil will increase or decrease?
  • What is the unit for reluctance?
  • Why generator or any other system requires Neutral Grounding and not Phase grounding?
  • What happens if any one of the phases is grounded?
  • If 15kv is grounded directly, what will happen? Why should it not be grounded like that?
  • Why, for transformer protection, do we protect transformer from 3rd harmonics and 5th harmonics and what is the reason of generating these harmonics in electrical system?
  • What is meant by Active and reactive power?
  • Why in a three phase 440 circuit, in all the phases current is almost equal L1-35 A, L2-34 A ,L3-31 A, but in neutral when we check with clamp meter, it shows 25 A?
  • What is meant by derating factor?
  • How can we know the cable size for a given current?
  • Explain the working principle of servomotor.
  • Why are servomotor and induction motor in different shapes?
  • What is the difference between Induction motor and servo motor?
  • What are the advantages of speed control using thyristor?
  • How is the tube light circuit connected and how does it work?
  • Why is the link provided in neutral of an AC circuit and fuse in phase of an AC circuit?
  • What is Ferranti effect?
  • What is an exciter and how does it work?
  • What is the difference between a 4 point starter and a 3 point starter?
  • What are transformer losses?
  • What is "pu" in electrical engineering?
  • What is electric traction?
  • Describe the operation carried out in thermal power station. What is the difference between electronic regulator and ordinary rheostat regulator for fans?
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  • What will happen when power factor is leading to distribution of power?
  • What is the one main difference between UPS & inverter and electrical engineering & electronics engineering?
  • What is ACSR cable and where do we use it?
  • What is the principle of motor?
  • What is meant by armature reaction?
  • Why do human bodies feel Electric shock? In an Electric train during running, we don't feel any shock. Why?
  • Which motor has high Starting Torque and Starting current DC motor, Induction motor or Synchronous motor?
  • What is a vacuum circuit breaker?
  • Why when birds sit on transmission lines or high tension wires, they don't get electrocuted?
  • What is the significance of vector grouping in Power Transformers?
  • What is the Polarization Index value? (pi value)and simple definition of Polarization Index?
  • What is the difference between neutral circuit and core balance circuit protection?
  • What is electrical engineering?
  • What are the various kinds of cables used in transmission?
  • Explain the application of storage batteries.
  • What is slip in an induction motor?
  • Why is back emf used for a DC motor? Highlight its significance.
  • Why is star delta starter preferred over induction motor?
  • State the difference between a Generator and an Alternator.
  • How can you relate Power engineering with Electrical engineering?
  • What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous generator?
  • What is automatic voltage regulator (AVR)?
  • State Thevenin's theorem.
  • State Norton's theorem.
  • State Maximum Power Transfer theorem.
  • Explain the working principal of the circuit breaker.
  • What is the function of anti-pumping in circuit breaker?
  • What is the difference between an isolator and a circuit breaker?
  • What is meant by regenerative braking?
  • Why can series motor not be started on no-load?
  • What is the difference between MCB and MCCB? Where are they used?
  • Where should the lighting arrestor be placed in distribution lines?
  • Define IMDT relay.
  • Describe the different topologies in networking. Which is the most efficient?
  • Tell me the definition of an analog signal and a digital signal.
  • In what direction do a ceiling fan and a table fan rotate? And why this difference in the directions?
  • How does a transformer work?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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