Interview Question Bank : Civil Engineering

Top 100 Civil Engineering Questions asked in MBA Interviews
  • What is meant by Gantry Girder?
  • Why is the brick red in colour?
  • What is ductility?
  • What is bolt value?
  • What should be percentage of silt content in sand?
  • What is the meaning of M.S.L for civil field?
  • What is the least count of Total station?
  • As a civil engineer, how would you reduce global warming?
  • At what temperature is granulation carried out?
  • Being a civil engineer, why do you want to do MBA?
  • Being a girl, why did you choose civil engineering?
  • Have you ever worked on AutoCAD?
  • Can you tell us the concept of air-conditioning with diagram?
  • Define metallurgy?
  • Define strength and toughness?
  • Will you opt for a civil engineering job if you don't get through MBA this year?
  • Do you know about the cable suspended bridges?
  • How can you make a building earthquake resistant?
  • How do you design a beam?
  • What kind of steel is used in rails? What qualities does it need to possess?
  • Name some nuclear stations.
  • Questions on Geographical Information Systems.
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  • Tell me one company which makes pistons.
  • Tell us something about IRC road specifications.
  • What are the different types of furnaces?
  • Why do you want to pursue an MBA after completing your graduation in architecture?
  • Why did you opt for civil engineering? What is mortar? What is shearing force? Earthquake resistant structures in California? Why MBA? How will you apply engineering to the MBA program?
  • What is a power grid?
  • What are the features of earthquake resistant buildings?
  • Chandigarh is a planned city. How will you convert Mumbai into a planned city?
  • What is a Theodolite?
  • What is a turbine?
  • What happens in an airplane? Does the pilot operate conveyor belts and pulleys?
  • What is bending moment?
  • What is cantilever? What are its support conditions?
  • What is fatigue? Name the most fatigue resistant and the least fatigue resistant material.
  • What is force?
  • What are the different types of sorting?
  • What is CPM and PERT?
  • What is heavy water?
  • What is Tensile strength?
  • What is the process of making steel?
  • What is the purpose of using a cable?
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  • What made you choose civil engineering?
  • Why civil engineering? Why civil engineering is called civil?
  • Difference between 4 and 2 stroke?
  • What do you feel about real estate sector?
  • Do you know why explosives are used in coal industry?
  • How is fluid flow used in real life?
  • So you have studied Industrial Engineering, does it involve minimum or no inventory?
  • What is Management Information System?
  • What is the difference between PERT and CPM? Where would you use either of them?
  • What is the difference between production and manufacturing?
  • What is steel?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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