Interview Question Bank : CS/IT

Top 100 CS/IT Questions asked in MBA Interviews
  • Draw the diagram for waterfall model of software development.
  • Describe the OSI Model.
  • Difference between HTTP and HTTPS?
  • What is Data mining?
  • How does programming differ from Cloud Computing?
  • Explain C++ in a layman's language.
  • How is Unix different from Windows?
  • Can you tell me how many types of software development Models are there?
  • Have you studied C, C++ etc.? Which language are you strong in? Describe any projects that you did in these two languages?
  • How can C++ help in any business?
  • How are IP addresses assigned?
  • How is Unix different from Linux?
  • Tell us something about assembly languages.
  • What is analytics?
  • 8085 is how many bit processor? What about 8086?
  • Are 4G services provided in India? What is WIMAX?
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  • Give an example of Digital electronics sum: related to addition of binary numbers.
  • Describe LAN and WAN.
  • Tell us something about Indian IT industry.
  • Do you know what is Abacus?
  • Tell us something about Software Engineering, standard deviation, coefficient of variation.
  • How did you build your knowledge about computers?
  • What is Operations Research?
  • Name 5 people who have brought change in Computer Science.
  • Is there any mechanism to increase the reliability of a software?
  • Name an application of data Structures in OS.
  • Name a few Operating Systems.
  • How does internet work?
  • What exactly do you mean by a computer?
  • What does embedded software mean?
  • What happens to the reliability if the LOC of the software goes on increasing?
  • What is a bus in computer terminology?
  • What is the difference between MIS and DS?
  • Why MAC doesn't get a virus, but Windows-run computers do?
  • Tell us something about OSI LAYERS.
  • What is artificial intelligence?
  • Tell us about SAP, ERP.
  • So you are a CSE graduate, what is a compiler?
  • Tell us about a big global project related to Computer Vision.
  • Tell us something about the major advancements in the field of computers in 1970s.
  • Tell us two plus points and two negative points about Unix.
  • What are different databases and their differences?
  • What are genetic computers?
  • What are the challenges that we face today in taking computers to every village?
  • What are the differences between Waterfall Model and Agile Model of Software development?
  • What are the essential qualities that a good programming code should have?
  • What are the input and output commands of C and C++?
  • Which books do you follow for OO Analysis and Design?
  • What do you mean by a 64 bit computer?
  • What is Java? How is it different from C and C++?
  • What is OOPS?
  • What is Object Oriented Programming?
  • What are open sources?
  • What is distributed computing?
  • What is DSS?
  • What is core 2 duo?
  • What is an operating system and why is it used?
  • What is the difference between a product and a service with reference to an IT company?
  • What is Linux, Windows XP and Windows Vista?
  • What is the difference between IT and Information systems?
  • What is the search algorithm used by Google?
  • Where was Abacus used?
  • Which computer languages did you learn in your college? How is each different from the other?
  • What is the least count of a computer?
  • What is the difference between mobile OS and the one used in personal computers?
  • What is the role of computers in Rural India?
  • What is the role of differential in vehicles?
  • What is internet protocol?
  • What is internet?
  • Tell us about the Memory Management Module.
  • How can you show that a DFA accepts the language of all strings?
  • How do you compute the complexities of various algorithms?
  • Is standard deviation better or mean. Explain DBMS in detail.
  • MS access is RDBMS or what?
  • What is cloud computing?
  • What is COBOL?
  • What is the clock speed of Pentium?
  • What is data structure?
  • What is DBMS and what is RDBMS?
  • Why did you choose IT in engineering?
  • Why did you do engineering in IT?
  • Where is data stored?
  • Which are platform dependent and platform independent softwares?
  • Who developed Java?
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  • What limits the storage and speed capacity of hardware?
  • What is system development life cycle?
  • What is TCP/IP protocol and IPv6/Ipv4?
  • What is Image processing?
  • What is linear programming?
  • What is kernel in an Operating System?
  • Why is UNIX better than windows?
  • Why Linux is named so?
  • Which operating system does the mainframe works on?
  • Write a code in C language to interchange the digits of a two digit number.
  • Why do we need Data Warehousing?
  • You are a computer engineer, who is the leader in ERP?
  • How is the IT industry performing in the wake of the current economic recession?
  • How is an Operating System built to be secure?
  • What is grid computing?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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