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Interview Question Bank - Humanities : History
Find here a collection of Important History related questions asked in Personal Interviews
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Top History Questions
What are the distinctive features of Mohenjo-Daro?
How is the past reconstructed by archaeologists?
What are the functions that were performed by rulers in Harappa society?
Do you think historians reconstruct the lives of ordinary people? If yes, then how?
Who are epigraphists? List some of the problems faced by them.
Discuss the kingship notions that developed in the post-Mauryan period.
Were the kings in early states invariably Kshatriyas?
Compare and contrast the stories of Drona, Hidimba and Matanga on the grounds of dharma or norms.
In what ways is the Buddhist theory of a social contract different from the Brahmanical view of society derived from the Purusha sukta?
Discuss whether the Mahabharata could have been a single author’s work.
How important were gender differences in the early societies?
Discuss the evidence suggesting Brahmanical prescriptions about kinship and marriage were not universally followed.
How were the ideas of the Upanishadic thinkers different from that of the fatalists and materialists?
Summarize Jainism’s central teachings.
To what extent does Buddhist literature knowledge help in understanding the sculpture at Sanchi?
Discuss the evidence for slavery provided by Ibn Battuta.
Who introduced the system of local boards or local bodies in India?
The Indus Valley Civilization belongs to which age?
Who were the first to establish regular trade with India?
Who introduced English in India?
Differentiate between Paleolithic cultures and Mesolithic cultures.
What is your understanding of the regional and chronological distribution of the Neolithic and Chalcolithic cultures?
Comment on the Bronze Age Civilizations.
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Discuss religion and culture in ancient Rome.
Discuss the transition from feudalism to capitalism.
Throw some light on Renaissance - its social roots, city states of Italy.
What do you know about the emergence of the European state system?
What do you know about the evolution of American Democracy?
What was the Great Debate of Soviet Industrialization?
What do you know about the political and economic issues in the American Revolution?
What do you know about the French Revolution and its European repercussions?
Give a brief sketch of the Sangam literature as a source for the study of the history of tamilkam.
Assess the significance of megalithic cultures of Deccan and South India.
Evaluate the developments in the field of religion during 1000 B.C.-600 B.C.
What do you know about the Stone Age tool technology and economic patterns in India?
What are the salient features of pre-historic rock-art of India?
What do you know about the main doctrines of Jainism and Buddhism? What are the main sources of their patronage?
What do you know about the nature of state control on economic activities during the Mauryan period?
What do you know about the changes in the society of India between 600 B.C and 300 A.D.?
Discuss the geographical distribution, tool technology and subsistence pattern of the Neolithic cultures of India.
Explain the salient features of Asoka’s policy of dharma and evaluate its impact on the downfall of the Mauryan dynasty.
Bring out the main features of social, economic and political life as reflected in the Rig-Veda.
Evaluate the changing notions of history. Do you agree with the view that the early Indians had no notion of history?
The green revolution is a mixed blessing for India. Do you agree?
Would you agree with the view that big dams have caused social and ecological imbalances in India?
Why is it important to understand Global Warming today?
What is your understanding of Agrarian crisis’?
Comment on the land revenue system under Akbar with special reference to the Zabti system of assessment.
Discuss the social and ideological background to the rise of the Marathas under Shivaji.
Did the British de-industrialize or industrialize India?
Why did Mahatma Gandhi launch the non-cooperation movement? Also, why was it withdrawn?
Explain with examples what historians mean by the integration of cults.
Discuss the ways in which the Alvars, Nayanars and Virashaivas expressed critiques of the caste system.
Discuss the major beliefs and practices that characterized Sufism.
Evaluate the significance of the May Fourth Movement, 1919.
Discuss the theories of Imperialism. To what extent do you believe that Imperialism was a factor responsible for the First World War?
How far did the constitution of India fulfill the aspirations of the various sections of Indian society?
Discuss the role of the ’Left Wing’ in the Indian struggle for independence.
Is the ’Safety Valve’ theory an adequate explanation for the formation of the Indian national congress?
Was the Indian economy de-industrialized in the 19th century?
How does the mughal architecture reflect the composite nature of the Mughal state?
Examine the evidence that suggests that land revenue was important for the Mughal Fiscal system.
Examine the role played by Zamindars in Mughal India.
Discuss the ways in which panchayats and village headmen regulated rural society in the Mughal Empire.
What were the problems in the Anglo-Chinese relationship in the nineteenth century? In what way did the Opium trade precipitate the war?
Was the rise of militarism in Japan due to the failure of parliamentary democracy?
Examine the impact of industrialization on demography, urbanization and family in 19th century Europe?
Discuss the fascist regime in Italy.
Give an account of the Gupta administration. How far did it differ from that of the Mauryas?
What do you know about the concept of varna and jati in ancient India?
What do you know about the features of Mathura and Gandhara School of Art? Examine the factors which lead to their growth.
What do you know about main features of slavery in ancient Rome?
What do you know about the historical background in which Islam originated?
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Can you talk about the spread of Humanism in 16th century Europe?
What are the main causes of price revolution?
What are the basic principles of mercantilism?
What are the different theories regarding the origin of Rajputs?
What do you know about the art and architecture of the early medieval period?
The Americans were ’discovered’ towards the end of the 15th century. What do you think?
What are the features of War Communism? Was it a product of ideology or wartime compulsions?
What do you know about the growth and development of early industrialization in USA from 1815 to 1860?
What are the various modes of resistance by the slaves against their enslavement in the U.S.?
Do you agree with the view that the Civil War was an 'irrepressible conflict'?
What do you know about the main features of Athenian democracy?
What do you know about the emergence of Islam in Arabia?
What do you know about the main doctrines of early Jainism and Buddhism?
What do you know about the main stages in the evolution of humankind?
What is the transition from slavery to feudalism in Europe?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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