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Interview Question Bank - Humanities : Geography
Find here a collection of Important Geography related questions asked in Personal Interviews
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Top Geography Questions
What is the impact of discovery and exploration on the development of geographic knowledge?
What do you think is the contribution of American geographers in the development of geography?
Can you throw some light on the debate between Determinism and Possibilism in Geography?
What do you mean by systems approach in Geography?
What you mean by ‘Radicalism’ in Geography?
What is Marxism?
What is Agricultural Geography and its scope?
What do you mean by Land Use? What is the classification of agricultural land use in India?
What is technology’s role in the development of agriculture?
What do you think is the role of physical factors in India’s agricultural system?
What are agro-climatic regions of India?
What are the Whittlesey's agricultural regions of the world?
What is the Von Thunen' s theory of agricultural location?
What is the Land Tenure System in India?
What is adaption?
What is the concept of climax vegetation?
Why do mountain flora-fauna have altitudinal zonation?
What is biodiversity and what is its significance?
What is the significance of study of Geopolitics in Political Geography?
What is the difference between the concept of Nation and Nation State?
Can you evaluate the issues concerning Indus Water disputes?
What is the impact created by Special Economic Zones on their surroundings?
What according to you is the Scope of Political Geography?
What is Social Geography?
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What do you know about the spatial distribution of Caste in India?
How is the concept of Welfare different from the concept of Wellbeing?
Slums and Gated communities are two extremes of Exclusion in India. Your opinion on this statement.
What is the Concept of Social Space?
Tell me about the contributions of Arab scholars to geography during medieval period.
Would you consider Humboldt and Ritter as founders of modern geography? Justify.
Can you discuss the humanistic approaches in geography?
What do you mean by ecological paradigm?
What do you know about quantitative revolution in geography?
What is human ecology?
What is desert ecosystem?
What is the man environment relationship in equatorial ecosystem?
Throw some light on energy related environmental problems and politics in developed and developing countries.
What do you mean by the spatial pattern of flood hazards and its related mitigation strategies?
What is Environmental Impact Assessment?
What are the problems of development in South Asia with respect to population and environment?
What is the spatio-temporal pattern of Industrialization in India?
Would you consider regional economic cooperation in South Asia as unsuccessful?
What are your views on development of road transport in India?
What according to you is the difference between tourism and recreation?
Could you outline the major geographical parameters of tourism?
What according to you are the problems of development of tourism in India?
What is eco tourism?
What according to you are the main problems and prospects of wildlife tourism?
Can you explain the basic elements of diffusion of innovation?
How according to you do the socio-institutional factors influence Indian agriculture?
Can you examine Christaller’s Central Place Theory and its applicability on Indian cities?
Elaborate on the pattern of urbanization in post independence India.
Critically examine census classification of Indian urban places.
What is the rank size rule?
What is the primate city concept?
What essentially is the difference between economic growth and economic development?
How would you differentiate between a developed and a developing economy?
Tell me about some problems faced by an underdeveloped economy.
Discuss the interstate income differentials in India.
How would you identify the backward areas?
What is the concept of micro level planning?
What are the problems in tribal area development planning?
What do you mean by delimitation of rural urban fringe?
Give an account of the water problems in the world.
Discuss the problems of energy resources with reference to India.
Examine the relationship between main land ratio and optimum population.
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Analyze the historical development of political geography.
Discuss the concept of heartland.
What is the multiple nuclei model?
What do you know about the concentric zone model?
Can you discuss the Koppen’s scheme of climatic classification?
Can you discuss the global environmental initiatives since 1972?
What is your understanding of environmental geography?
What are the problems of polar ecosystems?
What is the significance of international trade?
What is the importance of the service sector?
Can you tell me about some of the major cultural changes and their impact on environment?
Can you highlight the main processes of environmental change during different phases of human adaptation?
Can you discuss the functional classification of Indian towns provided by Asoka Mitra?
What do you mean by quantitative methods of functional classification of towns?
Can you elucidate the housing problems faced by Indian cities? Point out the policies adopted to solve the housing problems.
Can you provide an account of problems and policies of slums in Delhi?
Explain the concept of demography.
Can you discuss the trends and causes of refugee-migration after world wars in developing world?
What do you think is the success rate of population policies in addressing the population problems of India? Give suitable examples.
Discuss the evidences of climate change.
What is the Malthusian theory of population growth?
What according to you is the scope of settlement geography?
What do you know about Rural Urban fringe?
Can you explain to me the different patterns of rural settlement with the help of sketches?
What is rank size rule?
Can you discuss the factors affecting site situation and layout of your city?
Can you discuss the problems related to infrastructure and services of your city?
What do you know about urban land use?
Can you talk about planning your city?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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