(An engg student having 10th grade- 92.1% 12th grade-89.6% and graduation score-84.6%)
Technical Interview:
What is the basic difference between 32-bit and 64-bit operating system?
What is deadlock? What are the conditions of deadlock? Can you write a code to show deadlock. What is the Bankers Algorithm?
What exactly do you mean by UDP?
State three differences between HTML and XML.
Explain polymorphism.
Given a pile of 9 objects. 2 players take turns to pick 1, 2 or 3 objects. The last one to pick is the looser. What is the winning strategy? What is the winning strategy for 9 coins?
HR Interview:
Introduce Yourself.
What was your job in your final year project?
What do you think is your biggest achievement? Why?
Whom do you idolize in the business industry?
What do you think makes you different to work in Microsoft?
Tell any 4 of your favourite products from Microsoft.
Excerpts from Interview #2:
(B. Tech background, with academic profile as 8.96 CGPA, 94.6% in 12th and 92% in 10th.)
Technical interview:
Define stored procedure. What are its advantages and disadvantages?
What are the differences between interfaces and abstract classes?
How do you sort a linked list using the most efficient algorithm?
Design a Memory Management System.
Differentiate between data set and data reader.
Problems to find median of two shorted arrays.
Different types of system calls.
What are different types of Interrupts? What happens when an interrupt is called?
Find if there is a loop in a linked list.
Write an algorithm to find the depth of a binary tree.
Write an algorithm to separate all ones & zeroes in an array.
How to detect the starting point of loop in a linked list which has a loop?
HR Interview:
Introduce yourself and tell us something apart from the Resume.
Why do you want to join Microsoft?
What are your favourite subjects in your graduation and why?
What do you want to be in the future?
Tell any 1 social problem that bothers you the most. Can you suggest any solution to this problem as a technical guy?
(B. Tech background, with academic profile as 9.02 CGPA, 89% in 12th and 93.7% in 10th.)
Technical interview:
Given a singly linked list, in which the last node points to the middle node, delete the middle node and remove the loop.
Write a recursive function to form a list containing intersection of two given linked list without creating new nodes.
Given an array of size n, find the majority element. Majority element is one which gets repeated for more than n/2 times.
What are the features of a good code?
Find syntactical and logical errors in a C-program (printed on a paper).
Design a poke feature in Facebook.
HR Interview:
Tell us about your project.
What are the disadvantages that Gmail has? Can you suggest some means to overcome it?
How would you rate your academic performance in your graduation? Justify?
Why do you want to work and not pursue a higher education?
Excerpts from Interview #4:
(B. Tech background, with academic profile as 8.02 CGPA, 86% in 12th and 89.5% in 10th.)
Technical interview:
Given two lists sorted in increasing order, create and return a new list representing the intersection of the two lists. The new list should be made with its own memory — the original lists should not be changed.
Given an expression string exp, write a program to examine whether the pairs and the orders of “{“,”}”,”(“,”)”,”[“,”]” are correct in exp. For example, the program should print true for exp = “[()]{}{[()()]()}” and false for exp = “[(])”
Declare a character stack S.
Now traverse the expression string expression:
If the current character is a starting bracket (‘(‘ or ‘{‘ or ‘[‘) then push it to stack.
If the current character is a closing bracket (‘)’ or ‘}’ or ‘]’) then pop from stack and if the popped character is the matching starting bracket then fine else parenthesis are not balanced.
Tell the pseudo code to reverse a linked list.
You have a matrix a[m] [n]. Transpose it into a matrix b[n] [m] in minimum iterations. I could think of m*n/4 at most.
HR Interview:
What would you like to improve in yourself 3 years from now (other than knowledge)?
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Why Microsoft? What competitor of the company would you like to work for? Would you prefer Microsoft?
How can you assure that you will join by that time?
Excerpts from Interview #5:
(B. Tech background, with academic profile as 8.74 CGPA, 87% in 12th and 91.2% in 10th.)
Technical interview:
Difference between OOPS and C.
Write a function to check whether the string is valid or not.
Given a string and two positions in that string, shuffle the string, that is, move the given substring to the front.
Input: abcdefgh, 4,6
Output: defabcgh
This has to be done in place with O(n) time complexity.
How to implement dictionary data structure in C++? What kind of hash functions shall we use? How to manage collisions?
How would you implement vector data structure in C++ on your own? What would be the accessing time complexity? How can you make it O(1)? How to resize the structure?
How would I decide which feature should be implemented next in an operating system?
HR Interview:
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Why did you chose a career in Computer Science Engineering? Was it your own decision or parent's choice?
Describe any innovative aspects of your final year project.
Who is the CEO of Microsoft?
Do you have any questions for us?
Excerpts from Interview #6:
(Engineering student having 10th score 81.3%, 12th score 86.8% and graduation score 89.1%)
Technical interview:
Given the head of two linked lists, find the merging point of both the linked lists. In case the linked lists do not merge then return NULL.
Given a 2d array of 0s and 1s where 0s represent water and 1s represent land. A connected patch of 0s count as one single water body and if a water body is covered by 1s all around it then it forms one pool. Write a function to return the total number of pools in the 2D matrix. In case a water body is present on the boundary of the array immediately return -1.
Given an address of a node in a singly linked list, delete that node.
Find the nth node from the end of a singly linked list.
Check whether a binary tree is a BST.
HR Interview:
Tell us about your strengths. Why should we prefer you to other candidates?
What have you done to improve your academic position in the last 2 years?
Tell us about any challenging tasks that you faced in your life.