Expedia Interview Questions

Excerpts from interview #1:
(Job profile: Software Developer Academic profile:  8.4 CGPA in graduation, 87.22% in 12th and 80.11% in 10th
Technical interview I:
  • Questions related to the projects.
  • Questions related to the topics like data structures, linked lists, tries and their complexity.
  • Questions related to implementation details of Hash maps and collision handling.
Technical interview II:
  • Tell me about yourself and your family background.
  • Write a code to determine the total number of stops an elevator would take to serve N number of people.
  •  Puzzles related to real world.
  • Find duplicates in infinite range. Which data structure to be used to give efficient solution?
HR interview:
  • Tell me something about yourself which is not given in the resume.
  • Tell me about the difficulties which you faced while working on the project and how did you overcome those?
  • Why do you want to join expedia?
  • Give me an example demonstrating that you are a good team player.
  • What do you know about the company?
Excerpts from interview #2:
(Job profile: Software Developer Academic profile:  8.4 CGPA in graduation, 87.22% in 12th and 80.11% in 10th
Technical interview I:
  • Write a code on reverse string and its complexity.
  • What is the prerequisite for binary searching?
  • Given a series of positive integers. Design an efficient algorithm that can detect pairs whose sum is equal to K such that K = ei + ej, and (i not equal to j).
  • Given a sorted array of n integers that has been rotated i(unknown) number of times, give a (log n) algorithm that finds an element in the array.
Technical interview II:
  • Complete structure of hashmap, very detail description, along with the basic coding of the hashmap internal implementation.
  • Write a program, where i have a grid with many cells, how many paths are possible from one point to other desired points.
  • Detail discussions on JVM, memory management and garbage collector.
HR interview:
  • Do you mind working long hours?
  • Are you comfortable relocating?
  • What do you like to do besides studying?
  • Where do you vision yourself in the next 5 years?
  • What according to you is more important- money or fame?
Excerpts from interview #3:
(Academic profile:  8.4 CGPA in graduation, 87.22% in 12th and 80.11% in 10th
Technical interview:
  • Write a code on reverse string and its complexity.
  • Write a code to remove duplicates in a string.
  • Questions related to JOINS.
  • Questions related to arrays, such as given a 2 integer array, find the common elements.
  • Write a program which returns the first non repetitive character in the string?
HR interview:
  • Introduce yourself and tell us something apart from the resume.
  • Are you willing to relocate or travel?
  • On a scale of one to ten, rate me as an interviewer.
  • Have you ever worked in a group?
  • Do you know anyone working in Expedia right now?
  • If you have to attend a meeting related to your work as well as you has to work for the client, how will you manage in this solution?
  • Being a team leader in your college fest, what was your strategy to do things?
Excerpts from interview #4:
(Academic profile: 7.3 CGPA in graduation, 78.36% in 12th and 72.52% in 10th
Technical interview:
  • Design a web crawler? How will you avoid from getting into infinite loops?
  • In a java script, what is the difference between “==” and “===” operator?
  • Two linked lists are given, find out the sum of them without altering the linked list?
  • Given M x N matrix with sorted elements row wise and column wise, find elements?
  • What is the difference between C++ and Java and your preferences?
HR interview:
  • Rate work and work pressure on the scale of 1 to 10 and justify your answer.
  • Questions related to situations.
  • Do you handle work pressure?
  • What do you know about the company?
  • What are the negative points which you think are there in the company?
Excerpts from interview #5:
(Academic profile: 8.1 CGPA in graduation, 75.24% in 12th and 70.47% in 10th
Technical interview:
  • Question related to arraysand strings
  • Write a code to create a deadlock.
  • Questions based on sorting algorithms, its complexity.
  • Error output questions
  • Questions on increment and decrement operator questions
HR interview:
  • Who is your role model?
  • Why Expedia?
  • Are you willing to relocate?
  • Do you have any plans for further education?
  • Do you have any questions about joining us?
Excerpts from interview #6:
(Academic profile: 8.3 CGPA in graduation, 76.32% in 12th and 71.11% in 10th
Technical interview:
  • Check if duplicates exist in an array of N which has range 1 to N.
  • How can you check whether a machine is 64 bit or 32 bit?
  • Check if a given IP address is valid or not.
  • Describe the TCP/IP layer.
  • What are the different types of OSI layer?
  • What do you mean by RDBMS?
HR interview:
  • Tell me about yourself.
  • If selected how long would you work in Expedia?
  • Explain your current project.
  • Tell me something about yourself and your family background.
  • State any two of your weaknesses and strengths.
  • Why are you interested in our company?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • What has been your greatest achievement till now?
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