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EXL Interview Questions
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Excerpts from interview #1:
(A student has scored CGPA 7.8 in graduation, 83.4% in 12
and 88.75% 10
for a job profile business analyst)
Technical interview and HR interview:
Tell me something about yourself.
Tell me about the approaches which you used to counter the DI problems.
What is the difference RDBMS and Graph Database?
Difference between aggregate functions of sql?
Tell me about the projects apart from the ones which are not mentioned in the resume.
Why did you prefer the graph database (Neo4j) not any other?
How many squares are there on a chess board?
How will you cut an equilateral triangle into 4 equal equilateral triangles?
Why do you want to join the company?
What is the difference between functions and scalar functions?
Tell me about pre-defined functions of sql?
Excerpts from interview #2:
(A student has scored CGPA 7.8 in graduation, 83.4% in 12
and 88.75% 10
for the analytic Consultancy)
Technical interview:
What is the difference between charge card and credit card?
How do credit card companies/ banks make money? What is the main source of making money?
How many edges are there in 3D cube, 4D cube and 2D cube?(puzzle based questions)
How many people are there in the air in the given day in US?(guess estimate question)
How would you estimate American Airline’s annual revenue?
HR interview:
Tell me about yourself.
Why would you want to join this company?
Describe yourself in one word.
On a scale of one to ten, rate me as an interviewer.
Would you lie for the company?
What is your dream company?
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Excerpts from interview #3:
(A student has scored CGPA 8.1 in graduation, 82.6% in 12
and 75.2% 10
Technical interview:
Tell us about any technical projects that you have undertaken in the past 3 years?
Why did you choose this specific project?
Which and why language did you choose for your particular project?
Basic concepts of C language?
What is an empty class? What functionality does it offer in java?
HR interview:
Tell me about your highs and lows in these 4 years of college life.
Logical Based Questions: You have a cake. How would you divide it into 8 pieces using only 3 lines?
What is your career goal?
What is your dream holiday destination?
What are the qualities of a team leader?
Excerpts from interview #4:
(A student has scored CGPA 7.4 in graduation, 78.1% in 12
and 76.3% 10
Technical interview:
Difference between goto, long jmp() and setjmp()?
Can an array be an Ivalue?
Are bit fields portable?
Explain macro and its usage?
Explain “bit masking”?
How many levels deep can you nest include files?
How do you create type- insensitive operator?
HR interview:
Give me an example of your creativity.
On a scale of 1 to 10 rate yourself as a person.
Who has inspired you the most in your life and why?
If you win a $10 million lottery, will you still work?
What is the toughest decision you ever had to make?
Any questions?
Excerpts from interview #5:
(A student has scored CGPA 7.3 in graduation, 71.6% in 12
and 68.3% 10
for the job profile of Analytic Consultancy)
Technical interview:
Can you outline the various steps in an analytic project?
What do you do in data exploration
Tell me about data preparation?
How will you treat missing values?
How will you treat outlier values?
How do you assess the results of a logistic regression analysis?
HR interview:
What is your biggest regret in life?
Give us two of your biggest strengths and weaknesses.
What interests you the most about this position?
What are the here things that your friends will say about you?
How ambitious are you? Would you compete for the job?
What is your aim in life?
What is your short term goal?
How do you think your friends will define you?
Excerpts from interview #6:
(A student has scored CGPA 8.1 in graduation, 75.4% in 12
and 68.3% 10
Technical interview:
How do you implement tree mirroring?
Can procedure in package be overloaded?
What do you mean by threads in operating system?
Why is the prime motive behind companies using private cloud?
Write a program to print ASCII code for a given digit.
Can a procedure in a package be overloaded?
HR interview:
Why should you be hired for this role?
Which TV series do you like the most? Enlist some major characteristics of this series.
Under what circumstances you will leave this job?
Would you like to suggest anything to us?
What qualities do you think will be required for this job?
Do you consider yourself successful?
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