(Engineering student having 10th grade- 88% 12th grade-81.2% and graduation score-80.06%)
Technical interview:
What stresses can a beam experience?
What is the minimum diameter of longitudinal bar of a column?
State the steel beam theory.
What is the shape of the curve that depicts distribution of shear intensity over a rectangular section of beam?
What is the minimum head room required over a stair?
HR Interview:
Who is the CEO of L & T?
What motivates you to do good work?
Suppose you win $5 million lottery, then, would you still work?
Would you do something that you consider unethical in order to save your job?
What are your career options right now?
Excerpts from Interview #4:
(CSE student having CGPA: 6.59,10th Marks: 77.45%,12th Marks: 72.54%)
Technical interview:
Questions from C/C++
Intermediate geometry questions like geometric puzzles based on concepts like angles subtended at particular point when line intersecting 2 parallel line and one of angles given
How many circles can be drawn around a circle touching it
What are the various levels of testing
Can you Explain a Bug life cycle
What kind of test cases will you suggest for an ATM machine
Can you explain how a build comes, and who installs it?
HR Interview:
What is the difference between a smart and hard Worker?
What positions of responsibility have you held in the past?
What have you learnt from it?
Why do you want to leave your present job?
Will you be ready to relocate to the job locations we offer you?
Excerpts from Interview #5:
(IT student having 10th grade- 82% 12th grade-70.3% and graduation score-78.56%)
Technical interview:
Write a program to reverse a linked list?
What conditions are necessary for a deadlock?
Explain the concept of paging and segmentation.
Difference between primary, foreign, candidate & super key?
HR Interview:
Are you prepared to work hard in the environment we expect you to work?
What do you know about L and T InfoTech and its products?
A puzzle, which was on very difficult lines about 2 medicines. One kills while other does not. How to eat them?
General questions about me holding any position of responsibility.
Any questions for us?
Excerpts from Interview #6:
(Engineering student having 10th score 84.3%, 12th score 80.8% and graduation score 72.9%)
Technical interview:
What do you mean by constant time complexity?
What do you mean by hashing?
Write an SQL query to obtain the 2nd highest salary.
What is the function of DML Compiler?
HR Interview:
Who is your role model and why?
What have you done to improve your academic position in the last 2 years?
If you were hiring for this position, what qualities would you look for in a potential candidate?