HCL Interview Questions

Excerpts from Interview #1:
(Engineering student having 10th grade - 84.7%, 12th grade - 88.5%, Graduation score - 70.3%)
Technical Interview:
  • What is meant by “Class access modifiers”?
  • What is deadlock? How do you avoid it?
  • What is a thread?
  • What exactly happens after each system call in sockets, both at the client and at the server.
  • Give two main differences between "Truncate" and "Delete".
  • Define "Access specifiers".
  • What is BLOCK statements in SQL?
  • What is an “Abstract Class”?
HR Interview:
  • What is your biggest regret in life?
  • Give us two of your biggest strengths and weaknesses.
  • Illustrate a few of your qualities which fall in line with HCL’s vision statement.
  • What do you think about HCL?
  • What interests you most about this position?
Excerpts from Interview #2:
(A B.Engg – ECE student from Panjab University with 7.34 CGPA and having 87.5 % in 12th and 90 % in 10th standard.)
Technical interview:
  • What do you understand by abstract classes?
  • Differentiate between postfix and prefix operators.
  • What are some negative aspects of computer networking.
  • Tell about strtok & strstr functions.
  • Differentiate between – TCP header and UDP header
  • What is peep stack?
  • What is a foreign key?
  • How many ways can a variable be initialized into?
HR Interview:
  • What are three things that your friends will say about you?
  • Where do you see yourself five years from now?
  • What do you think are the qualities that define a Team Leader?
  • How do your strengths overpower your weaknesses?
  • How ambitious are you? Would you compete for my job?
Excerpts from Interview #3:
(A B.Engg. – ECE student from Panjab University with profile as 6.18 CGPA and having 71.4 % in 12th and 89.7 % in 10th.)
Technical interview:
  • Discuss the different protocols associated with each layer in the TCP/IP model.
  • Tell us something about your academic project.
  • What will happen when using pass by reference?
  • Which programming language did you use to make your project?
  • What was your contribution in the project?
  • What is function of ROLLUP and CUBE?
HR Interview:
  • What motivates you to work for HCL Technologies?
  • Do you plan to pursue an MBA immediately after completing your engineering?
  • Describe various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities that you’ve participated in.
  • What is your aim in life?
  • What is your short term goal?
  • How do you think your friends will define you?
Excerpts from Interview #4:
(A B.Engg. – ECE student from Panjab University with profile as 7.3 CGPA and having 89.4 % in 12th and 86 % in 10th.)
Technical interview:
  • How do you implement tree mirroring?
  • What do you understand by cloud computing and where is it pre-dominantly used?
  • Why is the prime motive behind companies using private cloud?
  • Can procedure in a package be overloaded?
  • What is the maximum no. of arguments that can be given in a command line in C.?
  • What do you mean by threads in Operating System?
  • Write a program to print ASCII code for a given digit.
HR Interview:
  • Why should you be hired for this role?
  • Would you forego this job if you get a better opportunity?
  • Which TV series do you like the most? Enlist some major characters of this series.
  • Under what circumstances you will leave this job?
Excerpts from Interview #5:
(A B.Engg. – ECE student from Panjab University with profile as 7.64 CGPA and having 71.4 % in 12th and 89.7 % in 10th.)
Technical interview:
  • Give 10 points of differences between C & C++.
  • What is the reason behind using constructors and destructors?
  • Explain the OOPS concept?
  • Can class objects be passed as function arguments?
  • Explain pointer. What are function pointers?
  • Define whitespace in C++.
  • Differentiate fundamental data types and derived data types.
  • Explain with example the concept of constant variable.
HR Interview:
  • What would you say is your strongest quality?
  • What qualities do you think will be required for this job?
  • What interests you about our product (or service)?
  • How would you add value to our company?
  • Name a few game software making companies.
  • Would you like to suggest anything to us?
  • Do you consider yourself successful?
Excerpts from Interview #6:
(A B.Engg. – ECE student from Panjab University with profile as 7.25 CGPA and having 78.5 % in 12th and 85 % in 10th.)
Technical interview:
  • Which subject do you like the best?
  • What is exception handling?
  • Disadvantage of indexed sequential file.
  • What is order of B+tree?
  • What is the method to declare member of a class static?
  • What is the function of I/O library in C++ ?
  • Can non graphic characters be used and processed in C++?
HR Interview:
  • What would be your most preferred work within HCL?
  • Do you think you’ll be able to compete with students from IITs and other premier institutes considering that you have such a low CGPA?
  • Which type of songs do you enjoy the most?
  • If you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be? Why?
  • Do you work well under pressure?
  • Why did you join your previous company? Did they live up to your expectations? Why are you leaving now?
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