Paytm Interview Questions

Excerpts from interview #1:
(A student with a profile 7.2 CGPA in graduation, 80.2 % in 12th and 88.33 % in 10th  applying for a Software Engineer)
Technical interview I:
  • How will you balance a binary search tree?
  • Write a program to implement two stack in an array.
  • A number is given , find the next greatest palindrome.
  • On a given database, design a SQL query.
Technical interview II:
  • Tell me how Face book maintained the friend’s list.
  • Write a code to create mirror image of tree.
  • Questions based on binary and ternary search tree.
  • Give an example of an O (n) algorithm and O (n*n) algorithm such that the algorithm is slower.
HR interview:
  • Introduce yourself.
  • Are you ready to handle a team under pressure?
  • What challenges are you facing presently and how are you dealing with them?
  • Basic puzzles questions
  • What do you know about our competitors?
Excerpts from interview #2:
(A student with a profile 7.0 CGPA in graduation, 83 % in 12th and 85 % in 10th  )
Technical interview I:
  • Write a program of advanced Fibonacci series.
  • Tell me the difference between process and thread.
  • Puzzles based questions.
  • On a clicking a node in a tree, all the adjacent edges are turned on. Calculate min of clicks such that all the edges are turned on.
  • Where to store local variables?
Technical interview II:
  • How will you store a series of mobile number in memory efficiently (less space)?
  • Write a code of a general series where the next element is the sum of last k terms.
  •  Write a code to find angle between clock’s two ends.
  • Write a program to print all interleaving of given two strings.
HR interview:
  • Rate yourself on a scale from 1 to 10? Justify the score?
  • Which type of dance does you like the most?
  • Tell me about your family background.
  •  Why Paytm?
  • How would your dream day at Paytm?
Excerpts from interview #3:
(A student with a profile 7.8 CGPA in graduation, 79 % in 12th and 75 % in 10th  )
Technical interview I:
  • Write a program to segregate 0s and 1s in an array.
  • Write a code to create a largest subarray with equal number of 0s and 1s.
  • What is a “null pointer assignment” error? What are bus errors, memory faults, and core dumps?
  • Can a file other than an .h file be included with #include?
Technical interview II:
  • Coin change problem.
  • Write a code to reverse linked list in a group of size 3.
  • How can you determine the size of an allocated portion of memory?
  • What is pragma?
  • Tell me the difference between a free-standing and a hosted environment.
  • How can you right justify a string?
HR interview:
  • Tell me about yourself and your family background.
  • What kind of person would you refuse to work with?
  • What motivates you to do your best on the job?
  • What is more important to you : money or work?
  • What do you regard as the significant achievement in your life?
  • What position do you prefer on a team working on a project?
Excerpts from interview #4:
(A student with a profile 8.1 CGPA in graduation, 75 % in 12th and 65 % in 10th  )
Technical interview I:
  • Write a program to find the minimum distance between two given characters of a string.
  • Write a code on matrix multiplication.
  • Write a code to find a sub array which has zero sums for a given array.
  • Write a program to find the maximum area of rectangle for a given histogram.
  • How would you use the functions fseek(),fread(), fwrite() , and ftell()?
Technical interview II:
  • What is the most efficient way to store 1 million phone numbers memory-wise?
  • Write a program to find the whether a number is anArmstrong.
  • Can include files be nested? How many levels deep can include files be nested?
  • What state are the doors in after the last pass? Which of the doors are opend now and which one are closed?
  • What is the concatenation operator?
HR interview:
  • How will you prove yourself as an innovative person at work?
  • What have you done to improve your knowledge in the last year?
  • In what sort of company do you like to work in? Why?
  • Describe your work ethics.
  • Who is the CEO of Paytm?
Excerpts from interview #5:
(A student with a profile 7.6 CGPA in graduation, 72.3 % in 12th and 78.2 % in 10th  )
Technical interview I:
  • Write a program to search a number in a row wise-column wise sorted matrix.
  • Write a code to arrange the given array in the form of a<b>c<d>e<f>g…….
  • Given a doubly linked list with one pointer of each node pointing to the next node just like in a singly linked list. The second pointer(orbit pointer) however can point to any node in the list and not just the previous node. Write a program in to create a copy of this list.
  • Give m equations and n variables. How many solutions are possible in each case?
  • (i) m<n,(ii) m=n (iii) m>n
  • Write a program of prime number using recursion.
Technical interview II:
  • Write SQL queries on Self Join and Inner Join.
  • What is the difference between heap memory and stack memory?
  • Where to store local variables?
  • What are memory tables?
HR interview:
  • Tell me about yourself.
  • What are the challenges you facing in IT?
  • What are your achievements in life?
  • Do you work well under pressure?
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Excerpts from Interview #6:
(CGPA 6.77 in Graduation, 84% in 12th and 78.4% in 10th).
Technical interview I:
  • Is it better to use malloc () or calloc()?
  • When should a far pointer be used?
  • What will the preprocessor do for a program?
  • What is the benefit of using enum to declare a constant?
Technical interview II:
  • What is meant by data hiding?
  • What do you by Function Overloading?
  • Explain the key functions of data binding?
  • State two uses of pointers in C?
  • Explain the importance of method overloading?
  • What do you mean Abstraction?
HR Interview:
  • Introduce Yourself?
  • State your three strengths.
  • Who is the present President of US?
  • What has been your biggest regret and achievement up to date?
  • What does success mean to you?
  • Where do you see yourself after 10 years?
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