Technical Question Bank: Database Management System

Technical interviews are conducted to assess candidates for specialist or technical job positions. The interviewers intend to test your field-specific knowledge. You should be well-versed with the basics of database management system. 
List of Technical Questions based on Database Management System
  • What is Database?
  • What is DBMS?
  • What is a Database system?
  • Explain the advantages of DBMS?
  • Explain the disadvantages of the File Processing System?
  • Mention and describe the three levels of data abstraction?
  • Define the "integrity rules"?
  • What is extension and intension?
  • What is System R? What are its two major subsystems?
  • How is the data structure of relational structure different from System R?
  • Explain Data Independence?
  • What is a view? Explain its relation with data independence?
  • What is a Data Model?
  • What is an E-R model?
  • What is Object Oriented model?
  • What is an Entity?
  • What is an Entity type?
  • What is an Entity set?
  • What is an Extension of entity type?
  • What is Weak Entity set?
  • What is an attribute?
  • What is a Relation Schema and a Relation?
  • What is Relationship?
  • What is Relationship set?
  • What is Relationship type?
  • What is degree of Relationship type?
  • What is DDL (Data Definition Language)?
  • What is VDL (View Definition Language)?
  • What is SDL (Storage Definition Language)?
  • What is Data Storage - Definition Language?
  • What is DML (Data Manipulation Language)?
  • What is DML Compiler?
  • What is Query evaluation engine?
  • What is DDL Interpreter?
  • What is Record-at-a-time?
  • What is Set-at-a-time or Set-oriented?
  • What is Relational Algebra?
  • What is Relational Calculus?
  • How does Tuple-oriented relational calculus differ from domain-oriented relational calculus?
  • What is normalization?
  • What is Functional Dependency?
  • Explain Lossless join property?
  • What is 1 NF (Normal Form)?
  • Explain Fully Functional dependency?
  • What is 2NF?
  • What is 3NF?
  • What is BCNF (Boyce-Codd Normal Form)?
  • What is 4NF?
  • What is 5NF?
  • What is Domain-Key Normal Form?
  • What are partial, alternate, artificial, compound and natural keys?
  • What is indexing? What are the different kinds of indexing?
  • What is system catalog or catalog relation? What is it better known as?
  • Explain query optimization.
  • What does durability in DBMS mean?
  • What do you mean by: atomicity and aggregation?
  • Explain Phantom Deadlock?
  • What is a checkpoint? When does it occur?
  • What are the different phases of a transaction?
  • What is flat file database?
  • What is "transparent DBMS"?
  • What is a query?
  • What do we mean by Correlated subquery?
  • Mention the primitive operations common to all record management systems?
  • Name the buffer in which all the commands that are typed in are stored?
  • List the unary operations in Relational Algebra?
  • Are the resulting relations of PRODUCT and JOIN operation the same?
  • What is RDBMS KERNEL?
  • Name the sub-systems of an RDBMS.
  • Which part of the RDBMS takes care of the data dictionary? How?
  • What is the job of the information stored in datadictionary?
  • How do you communicate with an RDBMS?
  • Define SQL and state the differences between SQL and other conventional programming Languages.
  • Name the three major set of files on disk that compose a database in Oracle.
  • What is database Trigger?
  • What are stored-procedures? And what are their advantages?
  • What is Storage Manager?
  • What is Buffer Manager?
  • What is Transaction Manager?
  • What is Authorization and Integrity manager?
  • What are stand-alone procedures?
  • What are cursors. Give different types of cursors?
  • In case of Oracle, what is cold backup and hot backup?
  • What is meant by Proactive, Retroactive and Simultaneous Update
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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