Cognizant Interview Questions

Excerpts from Interview #1:
(An engg student having 10th grade- 94% 12th grade-90% and graduation score-79%)
Technical Interview:
  • Briefly explain the method you will use to execute an array linked list?
  • What are character constants in C++?
  • Write a program to add two strings without utilizing “+” operator ?
  • Define the terms OSI, TCP, and IP.
  • What are streams in C++? What are predefined streams in C++?
  • Give me a Query to find out the second largest compensation in an organization ?
  • What is the implementation of merge ?
HR Interview:
  • Are you willing to relocate to a completely different city?
  • Tell me something about your family?
  • What do you think it takes to be successful in a company like ours?
  • What qualities should a successful manager possess?
  • Describe your most rewarding college experience.
  • Why should we hire you?
  • What do you think makes you stand out for a job in Cognizant?
  • Tell me about a time when you worked effectively under pressure.
Excerpts from Interview #2:
(An engg student having 10th grade- 78.9% 12th grade-71.08% and graduation score-67.9%)
Technical interview:
  • Write the connection code to a database?
  • How did you create it in your project?
  • What are derived data types? Name the user defined data types in C++.
  • Whether higher normal forms better than lower forms as far
  • Redundancy is concerned ?
  • Explain tokens in C++.Also tell about their role and importance.
  • How would you input data to your code?
  • Can a database table exist without a primary key ?
  • What are the similarities and differences between a class and a structure?
  • What is the reason behind using “Inner Join” and “Outer Join” ?
HR Interview:
  • Introduce yourself.
  • Which is the last movie that you saw?
  • Which is your dream company
  • What do you think are the qualities that a Team Leader should possess?
  • What are your future plans?
  • What are your strengths? Weakness?
  • If you could be any animal, what would it be?
  • What were your favorite classes? Why?
  • Do you enjoy doing independent research?
  • Who were your favorite professors? Why?
Excerpts from Interview #3:
(Punjab Univ., student having 10th grade- 88% 12th grade-81.2% and graduation score-80.06%)
Technical interview:
  • Suggest a method of joining two tables.
  • What is the “top-n analysis” in DBMS?
  • Write a function to take an into argument and return 0 if the given number is prime otherwise return -1.
  • What do you mean by “normalisation”?
  • Where do we generally create INDEX?
  • What is object oriented model?
  • Define RDBMS.
  • What are reference variables and how is it defined in C++?
  • What are the various forms of normalisation?
  • Why is DML provided?
HR Interview:
  • Working at Cognizant may involve working on different technologies at different places. Are you ready to do so?
  • What is your father’s occupation?
  • How was your academic performance in school and during Engineering?
  • Why didn’t you think about pursuing higher studies rather than doing a job?
  • Tell us about a time when you made a bad decision.
Excerpts from Interview #4:
(Thapar University student having 10th score 95.64%, 12th score 93.5% and graduation score 89.32%)
Technical interview:
  • What is Operating System?
  • What conditions lead to a deadlock situation?
  • Explain the concept of flagging a “semaphore”.
  • What is difference between rand() and srand()?
  • Define subquery.
  • What is BCNF?
  • What is the difference between a “semaphore” and a “monitor”?
  • Explain these terms- Linked List, Stack, Queue
  • Define triggers. Give its applications.
HR Interview:
  • Which of your qualities do you think will make you a good fit for the IT Industry?
  • What opinion do your friends have about you?
  • What motivates you to put forth your best effort?
  • When do you think you will complete and be able to join? (contextual question)
  • How can you assure that you will join by that time? (contextual question)
Excerpts from Interview #5:
(A CGC landran student having 10th grade- 82% 12th grade-70.3% and graduation score-70.56%)
Technical interview:
  • Give me a program to reverse a Linked List.
  • Discuss transparent DBMS.
  • Define significance of constant arguments
  • What is the role undertaken by DBA in databases ?
  • What is RDBMS KERNEL?
  • What is the difference between primary key, foreign key, candidate key & super key?
  • Differentiate exclusive lock and shared lock.
HR Interview:
  • What do you think are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • Was it your own decision to pursue Computer Science Engineering or were you influenced by your parents?
  • What interests you most about this position?
  • If I were to ask one of your professors to describe you, what would he or she say?
  • Why did you choose to attend your college?
  • What changes would you make at your college?
  • How has your education prepared you for your career?
  • Describe your Final Year Project. What innovations did you bring into this project ?
  • What is the name of the CEO of Cognizant technologies?
  • Do you have any questions for us ?
Excerpts from Interview #6:
(Engineering student having 10th score 81.3%, 12th score 85.8% and graduation score 74.1%)
Technical interview:
  • Define double linked lists.
  • Differentiate RDBMS and DBMS.
  • Can you tell us something about scope rules in C++?
  • What are the advantages to use stored procedures.
  • Give me a SQL Query to find out the second largest compensation in an organization?
  • Do you think BCNF is better than 2NF & 3NF? Why?
  • Give pros and cons of DBMS.
HR Interview:
  • What do you aspire to achieve?
  • How have you improved your academic position in the last two years?
  • Do you know anyone who works at Cognizant?
  • Who do idolize and why?
  • Are you a team player?
  • What motivates you?
  • Why should I hire you?
  • Are you a goal oriented person?
  • Do you know our organization mottos?
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