100 Essay Topics for 2025

Below is a list of expected topics for Essay based on the topics that were covered during admissions last year. Take a look at these topics and try to read about the latest events in the world and make sure you have relevant information to support your statement during the Essay writing round in the admission process this year.
We have mentioned below a list of expected topics from different genres that were asked in Essay Writing held during previous year’s MBA admissions. We have updated this list and current topics based on events around the world have been added so make sure you are acquainted with all major happenings in the world.
  1. Should business lobbying be made legal in India?
  2. Crypto currency Regulation in India: Balancing innovation and security.
  3. Role of Multilateralism in shaping of global economy in 21st century
  4. Need of the Hour is to Maximise Possibilities of Agriculture in India
  5. Role of MSMEs in India’s economic recovery post-pandemic.
  6. Privatisation in Defence Manufacturing
  7. RBI’s strategies to tackle inflation in Economy
  8. Non-Performing Assets and their impact on economy
  9. India to be the world’s third largest economy
  10. Global Recession and shapes of Economy
  11. India becoming a leader in Renewable Energy
  12. Is a 70-Hour Work Week Healthy?
  13. Implication of the US Federal Reserve rate cuts on Global Economy.
  14. Growing trends of Privatisation
  15. Is “Startup India” boosting entrepreneurship?
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  1. Higher Education versus skill acquisition
  2. Moonlighting in India
  3. Online schooling, can it be the future of education?
  4. New Education Policy: A Progressive Policy with Diverse Challenges
  5. Impact of remote work on productivity and innovation in India.
  1. Biodiversity Conservation– Our Solutions are in Nature
  2. Hyper-globalism is threat to human prosperity
  3. Net Zero Carbon Emission
  4. Shifting of Earth's Geo-Magnetic field and its impact
  5. Money Laundering and Illegal Wildlife trade
  6. Ban on plastic: Environment vs. Economy
  7. Seed Bombs: Solution to Man-Animal Conflict
  8. Stubble burning in North India: Air pollution and health hazards
  9. Organic Farming in India
  10. Merger of Project Tiger and Project Elephant: Pros and Cons
  1. Growing Intolerance in the world
  2. Goodwill is the only asset that competition cannot undersell or destroy
  3. Role of kindness in an utterly competitive world

  1. Is defection becoming the new norm in Indian politics?
  2. Freebies in Elections: A boon or a threat to democratic integrity?
  3. One Nation, One Election
  4. Should youngsters choose politics as a career.
  5. Role of Supreme Court in shaping modern Indian democracy.
  6. Corruption in Bureaucracy slowing down the country’s growth?
  7. Concentration of Wealth among politicians and businessman
  8. The use/ misuse of Central Investigative Agencies.
  9. Too much Democracy is Detrimental to Development
  10. Challenges to and strengths of secularism in Modern India
  11. Today India Needs ‘Harmony in Diversity’, Not Unity in Diversity
  12. Atmanirbhar Bharat
  13. India and SDGs
  14. India’s Neighbourhood Policy
  15. Electoral Reforms in India: Is it time for a new voting system?
  16. India’s claim to UNSC permanent membership
  17. Presidential vs Parliamentary form of government- which one India should go for?
  18. India as the World’s fifth largest economy
  19. Rise of regional parties and their impact on national politics.
  20. Falling parliamentary morals in India
  21. Judicial Overreach: Defining the role of India’s judiciary in political affairs.
  22. Social media’s role in shaping Indian politics.
  23. Farmers protests and agricultural reforms
  1. Russia-Ukraine War and its impact on geopolitics
  2. India: From SAARC to BIMSTEC
  3. Israel-Hamas Conflict and Operation Ajay
  4. Has UNSC become redundant?
  5. India’s growing influence in the United Nations
  6. Democracy in its neighbourhood is in India’s interest.
  7. Importance of regional trade blocs like NAFTA, RCEP etc.
  8. Trump 2.0: Impact on India
  9. Global trade wars and their economic implications
  10. Rising Chinese hegemony in Indo-Pacific and implications for India.
  11. Climate Diplomacy and COP 29
  12. Rise of AI and its impact on global security
  13. Rising influence of BRICS on global governance
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  1. A smooth sea never makes a good sailor
  1. Light at the end of the tunnel is not the illusion, the tunnel is.
  2. Is happiness a choice or a result?
  3. Is being vegetarian the way to go for the world?
  4. Happiness is not an ideal of reason, but of imagination.
  5. Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.
  6. War is the ultimate price we pay for lasting Peace
  7. Ethics or Profits?
  8. The value of solitude in a connected world
  9. The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal
  1. Does India need more missiles or more industries?
  2. Will AI replace human jobs in future?
  3. Blockchain technology beyond Cryptocurrency
  4. Can electric vehicles significantly reduce global carbon emissions.
  5. India's Foray into Space: The Role of ISRO
SOCIAL ISSUES (Society, Gender, Caste)
  1. Lack of civic sense among Indians is pushing the country backwards
  2. Feminism
  3. Media’s duty is to inform public, not manufacture opinion.
  4. Urban exclusion of migrant workers in India is a reality and needs urgent robust policy measures.
  5. Social implications of increasing divorce rates in urban India
  6. The Right to Die and Euthanasia: Ethical, Legal, and Societal Implications.
  7. Social media is the fourth pillar of democracy.
  8. Cultural preservation vs Globalization: Can India retain its heritage?
  9. The Cry of Transgenders
  10. Caste Census: Equity or casteism?
  11. Should celebrities join politics?
  12. Legalising Betting in India
  13. Is India prepared to tackle the rising mental health crises?
  14. Elderly Population in India      
  15. Social Entrepreneurship: A pathway to address social inequalities in India?
  16. Sub-categorisation of castes in India
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