MBA Sample Essay

Essay Writing or Written Ability Tests (WAT) have become an essential part of the selection processes of various MBA entrance processes. Most MBA colleges now prefer Essays over Group Discussions since they allow them to read a candidate's mind in a better manner, unlike Group Discussions, where candidates often hesitate to express themselves efficiently and openly.
During the process, a candidate can be asked to write an essay on a gamut of topics – and even the essays can be of a diverse nature, like Persuasive, Narrative, Descriptive, Analytical, etc. You can read the rest of the articles in our Essay section to get a better sense of how to write such essays.
In this article, we bring you certain MBA essay examples that can act as a reference point for writing MBA essay.
MBA Sample Essay-1 Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
Sanitation is more important than Independence"; these words of Gandhiji have laid the foundation for Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan or Clean India Campaign is one of its kind in the history of India led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on a perfect day of Gandhi Jayanti. On 2 October 2014, Narendra Modi launched this nationwide campaign that aims to clean up the country in the next five years; for he believes that Gandhiji not only fought for independence but also for a clean country.
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The campaign aims to cover 4041 statutory towns to clean the streets, roads and infrastructure of the country. The campaign was launched by the Prime Minister himself by cleaning the roads in Delhi. Its inaugural proved one of the biggest campaigns when millions of students, employees and citizens participated in the event, cleaning various localities. Modi exclaimed "Is cleaning only the responsibility of the karamcharis? Do citizens have no role in this? We have to change this mindset." He asked all the citizens including celebrities, sports legends and business tycoons to join the campaign.
Modi had invited nine public figures: Mridula Sinha, Sachin Tendulkar, Baba Ramdev, Shashi Tharoor, Anil Ambani, Kamal Hasan, Salman Khan, Priyanka Chopra and Team of Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah-to make a contribution towards Swachh Bharat, share the same on social media, and invite nine other people to do the same, hence forming a chain. He has asked people to share their contributions on social media.
He has asked every Indian to spend 100 hours annually in this drive. He has even urged the need to build toilets for proper sanitation. Modi believes that other nations are clean not only because of the efficient clean drive, but because of the joint efforts of citizens too. The citizens over there are aware of their responsibility and thus refrain from littering.
Volunteer actor Ravi Kishan said, "....We always enforce our Fundamental Rights but we never try to carry out our Fundamental Duties. I'm supporting the Clean India campaign because just like our Prime Minister's concern, I too share the vision of a Clean India, Green India." Eminent people have come out themselves shouldering the responsibility. HRD Minister Smriti Irani has directed on the use of Corporate Social Responsibility funds for construction of toilets as part of the Swachh Bharat Swachh Vidyalaya Campaign.

MBA Sample Essay-2 The Role of Indian Cinema
Modi aims to fulfil the dream of clean India by the 2019, the 150th birth anniversary of Gandhiji. To check the progress of the campaign, Modi has himself made surprise visits to various offices. His team of ministers too, has contributed by taking up the task of cleaning. Students of Delhi University have decided to study the impact of this campaign thereby suggesting scope for improvement. After the completion of 5 years they will submit the document including success rate, problems and various other studies and findings related to the campaign.
Clean India can inevitably boost the international tourism thereby adding to country's growth. The campaign has just started, for its success every citizen has to put in efforts. Only then our nation can become a world-class country like European countries. No matter how successfully our economy booms; if the country is not clean at the ground level, the citation of being a developed nation will also not yield result. Modi maintains Indians can do it. If Indians can reach Mars with minimum expense then they can even clean their nation.
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Cinema is in today's world the most popular means of entertainment. Millions of people watch cinema everyday all over the world not only as a means of entertainment, but also as an escape from the monotony, boredom, anxiety and troubles of life. It is a restful, pleasurable and entertaining way of rewinding and relaxing after a long day's work. All the senses are captivated while viewing cinema and the next two and a half or three hours are spent in a wink. Moreover, every class and section of society can afford this form of entertainment at their will and convenience.
Indian cinema has a charm, flavour and magic of its own. It appeals not only to the film-crazy Indian public but also enchants a large number of audiences the world over. People who do not speak or understand Hindi still sing songs from Hindi films. An average Indian film is longer than films from other parts of the world, has a ginger-touch of love, hate, revenge, drama, tears, joys and also its own share of songs and dances. A typical Indian film has it all—all the spice and variety of life condensed into it, transporting the audience on a magic carpet to a totally different world where everything and anything is possible. Infact, Salman Rushdie has quoted:
"I have been a film buff all my life and believe that the finest cinema is fully the equal of the best novels." Down the years, cinema in India has reached its own destination, created its own history, touched its own milestones. From stereotyped love stories to action, to drama, to realistic, to fictional the silver screen in its every aspect has mesmerised, captured and tantalised millions of every age, class, sex and community. The journey from silent films to talking pictures, from black and white to coloured has been long.
It has catered to the dreams and aspirations of many who have hungered for glamour and reached "Mumbai" and it still does. There have been two streams of cinema in India one is the Commercial Cinema which has the sole aim of entertaining and making money in return. The second stream is the Parallel Cinema or the Art Cinema which aims at sensitising people on various social issues and problems of the society. While Commercial Cinema appeals to all sections of the society. Parallel Cinema appeals mainly to the intellectual class and the intelligentsia of the society. But a change has taken place over the last decade and a half. A general awareness among people has increased and Art Cinema is being more and more appreciated by a large number of people. Many a times, an art film does 'much better at the box-office than a mainstream commercial film. This has resulted in the thinning of the differentiating line between Art and Commercial Cinema.
Cinema has an educative value too. Because it exercises a deep influence upon the minds of the people; cinema can be used as a very effective reformative instrument. Statutory warnings are included to spread the awareness about the adversity of smoking has compelled many to quit the habit. Social awareness can be generated on issues like dowry, women education, abortion, girl foeticide, youth unrest, corruption, unemployment, poverty, illiteracy etc. Films like No One Killed Jessica, My Name Is Khan, The Attacks of 26/11 are some movies which have dealt with current sensitive issues. Cinema can expose the evils prevalent in society. It is the mosLeffective means of mass communication. Cinema also is a great unifying force in a diversified country like ours. People belonging to all communities and sections, speaking any language, watch the cinema with the same fascination and excitement. Moreover, people can go to places with cinema. We travel from Ooty to Shimla to Switzerland to Washington to Sydney. It also encourages the art of music, singing, dancing, script-writing, direction etc. It employs a large number of people from technicians to producers to spot boys to dress makers. Thousands of people earn their livelihood through cinema. Shahrukh Khan has aptly put the significance of cinema by saying: "Cinema in India is like brushing your teeth in the morning. You can't escape it."
The silver screen spreads and sells not just dreams but captivates the hearts of young boys and girls. If this medium is not used judiciously and wisely, it can distract the youth from the right direction. Thus, the film makers should undertake film making as a social responsibility and through films should give youth a sense of direction. The trend of making films on famous novels and plays should be encouraged to spread good literature and its appreciation among common man. Sensible and relevant themes should be picked to make films. Films need not be didactic, but they still can pass on constructive messages subtly to the masses. Hence, if used with pure sensibility, cinema can help in bringing positive changes in the society and the attitudes of the people.
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