NID Vijayawada

The process of selection at NID,  Vijayawada consists of Studio test followed by Personal Interview.
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Feedback-Personal Interview
Average Duration: 45 minutes
No. of Panelists: 3-4
  • Excerpts from Interview 1: Where are you from? What do you know about your city? Tell something about Anna Hazare’s stand on corruption. Which type of designing do you want to do? How do you think you can contribute to that particular field? What if you are not selected? Do you read books? Tell us about your favourite book?
  • Excerpts from Interview 2: Tell us about yourself. Why did you choose NID? Why did you choose the particular course you opted for? Tell something about your family members? What are your hobbies? How did your Studio test go? If you are caught in a situation which you wish to avoid, how will you manage?
  • Excerpts from Interview 3: Explain your portfolio in brief. Throw some light on your background. Why do you want to join NID? What would you do if you are the lone survivor in a plane crash? Why are you interested in design specifically? What do you do in your spare time? What inspired you to make this model? Where do you see yourself after 10 years in this field?
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  • Excerpts from Interview 4: What are your thoughts about the latest iPhone? How can you contribute to the design field? Which font is used in confluence graphic? What do you expect to learn at NID? Who is your idol? What are you passionate about? Tell us about a favorite piece of work in your portfolio.
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