E-books on GD/PI and Essay Prep - Selected content just for you!

The purpose of these e-books is to provide you a holistic coverage of concepts for Personal Interviews, GDS and Essay Prep. These  E-books contain::
  • Basics of MBA Interview Preparation
  • Do’s and Don’ts for Personal Interviews
  • How to tackle frequently asked questions in Interviews
  • Special Tips and Tricks to handle interviews
  • Tactics and Pointers to perform well
    Kick start Your Preparations with FREE access to 25+ Mocks, 75+ Videos & 100+ Chapterwise Tests.
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  • What are the things you should avoid doing in GD
  • Tips to help you tackle different type of topics
  • Tips and Tricks to write effective Essays
  • Step by step guide to how to put your thoughts in writing
  • Brainstorming techniques to generate ideas for an Essay
Essay Writing Made Easy
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Essay Writing Made Easy
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