Solved GDs Topic

A group discussion is essentially a conversation between multiple group participants who try to discuss an issue at hand from diverse aspects. They bring varied perspectives together to come to a conclusion that is both constructive and applicable. Many MBA aspirants, especially fresh graduates, find it difficult to visualize the flow and structure of a group discussion. This article will illustrate the way one can approach a GD Topic.
A Good GD:
A good discussion will try to arrive at a solution that shows balance. You need to demonstrate your understanding of the issue from more than one perspective alone. At the same you need to be receptive of new and conflicting ideas of other participants. The ideas are exchanged in a very organized and well-structured manner. The conclusion at the end should indicate a filtration of the more relevant issues and recommendations for policies / changes that can be made in the current system.
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Solved GDs Topics
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How Solved GDs can help:
A serious student can increase his chances of success after going through some solved examples of group discussion. This will help in formulating a future strategy for GDs with respect to:
  • What are the types of GD Topics asked?
  • How to handle controversial GD Topics?
  • What kind of ideas should be generated before the GD starts?
  • What are the different kinds of viewpoints that can be covered?
  • What should be my standpoint in the discussion?
  • How should I defend my stand?
  • How can facts be used as supportive arguments?
  • When should I enter the discussion?
  • How should I initiate the discussion?
  • How to conclude the discussion in the best possible manner?
GD Topic:
There are many types of GD Topics one can expect.  These could be factual topics or abstract topics. The former could be based on current affairs, socio-political issues, business and economy, education, sports, environment, international affairs or management related. Abstract topics, on the other hand are more general in nature and include creative and controversial topics.
Solved GD Topic:
Read through the below sample topic along with pointers towards what kind of conclusions can be drawn from the discussion.
Topic: Should we allow incurably diseased persons to live or not?
Points in Favour:
If we feel sad to kill even an animal or a bird, how can our conscience allow us to kill a fellow human being just because he is incurably ill? Moreover he has done no harm to society and his illness is not because of his fault. Therefore, we must provide him proper treatment and allow him to live as long as nature has willed it
God has gifted us life. So, he alone has the right to take it back. No human being has a right to interfere in His scheme of things. Once on this earth, every man has a right to live as long as God does not want him to die. Therefore, the reasoning that just because a man is suffering from an incurable disease, he should be put to death is untenable and beyond reason.
It is not always the case that incurably diseased persons spread contagious diseases as some might argue. Even in those rare cases where it may be true, these persons are not real health hazards because it is medically established now that all incurable diseases are not contagious. However, as a precautionary measure, we should open separate hospitals or isolation wards for persons suffering from incurable contagious diseases and thus quarantine them.
Killing an incurably diseased person will put an end to research work in medical science. Even otherwise, suffering people have been the subject of research work quite less. Now new vistas of progress have been opened in medical sciences and alternative medicine like Acupuncture, Acupressure, Reiki Pranik healing, Touch therapy, Herbal therapy, Diet therapy, etc. hold a ray of hope for the so called incurably diseased persons. So, why snatch life from them?
Points against:
This world is governed by Darwin's survival of the fittest principle. An incurably diseased person is weak and has no value whatsoever to the society. Moreover, he has no means to live. Therefore, it would be in the fitness of things to kill him even against his wish.
An incurably diseased person is the cause of constant worry to his family, his demands are unending and notwithstanding the best possible attention, care and treatment given to him, he always remains dissatisfied and disgruntled. This adversely affects peace of mind and comfort of the family members. Therefore, the best way out of such a situation is to put an end to his life.
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These days we are saddled with the responsibility of reducing our burgeoning population. The many diseased persons constitute a good part of it. Even otherwise their contribution to society being nil and burden great, it would be justified and reasonable not to allow them to drag on their agonizing life.
Defining gray areas is something which any amount of legislation can never achieve. Our policies need to ensure that the group of people taking a decision to terminate the life is doing so in the best interest of the patient and society.
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