Top 100 Socio-Political & Socio-Cultural

Top 100 Socio-Political & Socio-Cultural 
  • Indian television – Where is it leading?
  • Examinations - has it killed education?
  • What's so wrong with celebrating Valentine’s Day?
  • Brain drain has to be stopped
  • Are we producing a generation of burnt out children?
  • Are women capable of taking more stress as compared to men?
  • Are women fit to join Army?
  • Arranged marriages vs. love marriages
  • Gender neutral parental leave - Pros and Cons
  • There is nothing wrong in live in relationship?
  • Secularism is dangerous in India
  • Indifference to ideas challenging national unity can be disastrous
  • Bureaucrats should not be allowed to join political parties after retirement
  • Religion is a Private Affair
  • In the world of tough competition, corruption is unavoidable.
  • Doctors indulging in trafficking of human parts should be given death penalty.
  • Excessive use of electronic gadgets is leading to hampering of analytical skills of students
  • Expensive quality is better than cheap trash
  • Gambling/betting should be legalized in India
  • Banning of public smoking is a right decision
  • Indian television – Where is it leading?
  • Should politicians be given Padma Awards?
  • Rural placements of doctors should be compulsory or voluntary?
  • School children should be allowed to own and use mobile phones or not?
  • Why there are lesser no. of females in politics?
  • Corruption is the price we pay for democracy
  • Ultimate Political solution for India
  • Social Security in India
  • Can India become the next superpower?
  • Can reservation in institutions be shown as an area of social responsibility?
  • Capitalism is flawed but other systems are much worse.
  • Centre- state relations in India
  • Is Globalization a threat to Indian Culture?
  • Do films create a social evil?
  • Discrimination in the society
  • Is our government’s administration poor?
  • Is Euthanasia morally acceptable?
  • Is India a superpower in making?
  • Is India moving towards food insecurity?
  • Is India really a secular country?
  • Politicization and Commercialization of sports - reality or fake?
  • Politics and Religion should definitely go hand in hand.
  • Politics is a necessary evil.
  • Criminalization of Politics
  • Inflation and its social effects
  • Are Beauty Contests Degrading Womanhood?
  • Social Tools are becoming a social challenge rather than an aid
  • Higher pay does not ensure removal of corruption, after all
  • Is Modi’s “man ki baat” vote bank politics?
  • Justice delayed is justice denied
  • Do celebrities have more freedom of speech than a common man?
  • Politics and Religion
  • What should be the right age of Politicians to serve the nation?
  • Does crime increase with income?
  • Regional Politics: Boon or Bane for India?
  • Relevance of democracy
  • Religion and secularism can co exist
  • Religion should not be a center stage in a secular state?
  • Reorganization of states in India
  • Reservation for Women
  • Reservation in the private sector
  • Reservation of jobs should be there for local people
  • Secular India - Does it still exist?
  • Should Business Houses finance elections?
  • Should capital punishment be scrapped?
  • Should donations to political parties be exempted from Income tax?
  • Should Gandhigiri be adopted by young generation?
  • Should India role back the economic stimulus package?
  • Should Indian politicians be evaluated for their political skills before nomination? If yes, how?
  • Should youth be engaged in politics?
  • The Third Front: Importance in Indian Politics.
  • Thirty three percent Reservation for women in jobs.
  • Turmoil in Pakistan: a threat to India.
  • Environment concern- how grave is it?
  • Villages are the pride of India
  • Voters, not, politicians are responsible for criminalization of politics
  • Welcome to Socialism
  • What India needs now is Dictatorship.
  • What should be done to uplift status of Muslims?
  • While working in a corporate firm, can you contribute towards the development of the society?
  • Women reservation is beneficial for the country.
  • Women's quota will increase gender disparity
  • Dowry system in India is curtailed only in law and not practically
  • Political alternative in India by the way of AAP
  • Women in Indian politics – empowerment or tokenism
  • Whistle Blowers are disloyal agents
  • Governmentschool dropouts – how to stop?
  • The Great Indian Telecom Revolution
  • Rising crimes against women
  • Has feminism evolved over years?
  • We are corrupt because we are poor.
  • Only poor people are responsible for their poverty.
  • Gender Equality will be a reality in the 21st century.
  • Corruption means lack of integrity. Do you agree?
  • Relevance of family run business
  • Animal research is Moral Crime
  • Appropriate age for adulthood is 18, 21 or 25 years?
  • Problems Unite Us Religion Divide Us
  • Do celebrities have a responsibility towards consuming and believing in the products and causes they endorse?
  • National heroes are created and destroyed by government
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