Preparation tips for CDS Officers Intelligence Rating tests

Officer Intelligence Rating or OIR Test is an intelligence test of a candidate. All those aspirants who have cleared their Indian Armed Forces written exams are called for Service Selection Board (SSB) Interview.  Clearing the SSB Interview is an achievement in itself.   
All about Officer Intelligence Rating Test
OIR Test is one among the two rounds of the screening Test conducted on the day 1 of the SSB Interview. The other round is Picture Perception and Description Test (PPDT). Overall merit is created on the basis of your performance in both the rounds. OIR, a written exam, consists of 40- 50 questions that include questions on: logics, mathematics, language and analytics. The main purpose of taking the test is to assess your general intelligence and the presence of mind.
Syllabus: Office Intelligence Rating Test
OIR mainly consists of two sections: Verbal Section and non- Verbal Section. The various topics covered under these two broad heads:
Verbal Section: Coding/ Decoding, Antonyms and Synonyms, One word Substitution, Jumbled Words, Relationship, Multiple Choice Questions, Odd One Out, Common Sense and Alphabet Test, Reconstruction of Sentence, Arithmetic Questions.
Non- Verbal Section: Completion of Series, Fill in the correct Figures, Locate the concealed Figure and Difference in figures from each other.
How to prepare for Officer Intelligence Rating Test
You need to come out of your comfort zone to prepare for OIR test as it carries equal weightage as compared to PPDT when it comes to assessment.
Follow the given insights to prepare well and make a mark in your career:
  • The test is the combination of both verbal and non verbal reasoning questions where you have to attempt more questions in less time duration. So, you need to be fast enough to perform well. This is possible only when you prepare well on the daily basis.
  • There are no shortcuts when it comes to OIR preparation. You should go through the syllabus thoroughly and practice every topic to improve for the better results. Since, you have to clear the exam with the minimum cut off marks, practicing every topic will give you an edge in your performance.
  • As practice makes a man perfect, so more you practice on a given topic; better will be your performance. A good point is that the questions asked in Officer Intelligence Rating Test are basic and can be mastered with a little bit of daily home work.
  • Keep your IQ i.e.Intelligent Quotient high. This will be done only when you are aware of the latest happening around yourself. Keep your knowledge update and ensure that you work rigorously to crack it.
  • Time management will make your efforts pay you the rewards. Keep practicing daily; keeping a proper tab on the time and you will perform your best.
  • OIR is also the test of confidence and skills. So, you should master your skills and boost the confidence before taking the exam. Regular practice and mocks is the sure- shot mantra for it.
Thus, Officer Intelligence rating Test requires a consistent effort on your part. Keep working and practicing regularly to ace this test.
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