NABARD Officer Grade B

The selection process of NABARD Grade 'B' examination involves three stages, i.e. Preliminary Exam, Main Exam and Interview.
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration: 25-30 minutes.
No. of Panelists: 7
  • Excerpts from Interview 1: Introduce yourself. For what May 1 is celebrated as? What is the capital of Lebanon? What is the currency of UAE? Where are the UNICEF headquarters located? Where is Dibang Wildlife Sanctuary situated?  Where was Indian Institute of Petroleum Energy launched recently? Where is the first Aviation Park situated? Where is first Railway University set up? Where was SAARC Agricultural Minister Meeting held recently? Where will 2020 Summer Olympics be conducted? Name the actor nominated to Rajya Sabha recently. Name any veteran Olympic Medalist and politician? To what Padma Vibhushan Yamini Krishna Moorthy related? What is the dance form of Assam called? Name the dance form of Rajasthan. Tell about seventh Navigation Satellite. Name the country with which India conducted Military Exercise Garudha Sakthi.
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