Top 100 International Affairs

Top 100 Current and International Affairs  
  • Should India destroy the terrorist camps in Pakistan?
  • Should India's foreign policy be Pro-US?
  • Social security in India
  • Should AFSPA be repealed?
  • Should a rapist be given capital punishment?
  • Naxalism vs. terrorism: which is a bigger threat to the country?
  • Nathuram Godse – A Hero or Villain?
  • Should an anti-reconversion law be brought into force?
  • Should FDI be allowed in insurance sector?
  • Should India host Olympics 2020?
  • Trump: Will he prove to be a blessing for India?
  • How should India tackle Pakistan?
  • India’s Kashmir policy is flawed
  • Man on Moon or Food for Man?
  • Global Warming
  • Reality Shows: How real?
  • Cricket: Overpowering other sports in India.
  • Should NRIs be allowed to vote?
  • News channels – breaking rules to give breaking news.
  • Is India a Soft Nation?
  • Ragging – Should it be dealt like any other crime?
  • Unique Identification Numbers will be panacea to India's problems.
  • Intellectual Property Rights Issues in India.
  • The Youth Channels – a Threat to Indian Culture.
  • India – Cricketing Giant in the making?
  • Narendra Modi – Will he stand out as The Best PM India has ever had?
  • FDI in Retail - Will really affect the farmers of India?
  • Gay Marriages should be allowed in India.
  • Is there a need to curb the mushrooming of private coaching institutes?
  • Are Bio fuels a solution to Global Warming?
  • Growth without inclusion – A threat to democracy?
  • Would dividing India into more number of states bring prosperity?
  • Steve Jobs: The biggest icon of the 20th century?
  • Corruption can neither be eliminated nor be mitigated in India.
  • Should India assert more influence in its neighborhood?
  • What is the Government’s contribution to IT in India?
  • The Growing Menace Of Casteism And Regionalism.
  • Obama - the most influential US President?
  • Women's reservation Bill: When will it become a law?
  • Why do we lag behind China?
  • Media: an effective 4th pillar of Indian Society?
  • Too much media hype distracts policy making.
  • Black Money: Is the government doing enough?
  • Should tax system be revamped in India for better distribution of opportunities?
  • Education system is providing degrees not skills.
  • North East States: Forgotten states of India?
  • Corruption in Defence forces has weakened our national security.
  • Indian society has very short memory.
  • India’s Kashmir policy is flawed.
  • How will Goods and Service Tax help the economy?
  • Should India change its national game?
  • Border less world!! Is it possible?
  • Right to Education.
  • The money being put in cricket is harming the development of others sports.
  • How can corruption be eradicated from India?
  • Bribery in Corporate Sector.
  • Right to Education: Success or Failure?
  • Inflation: Hitting the common Man.
  • Shah Rukh Khan: Brilliant Actor or Marketing Guru?
  • Public Transport System in India: the cure for many a ills?
  • Should there be Reservation in private sector jobs?
  • ISRO’s space missions – funds of country misused?
  • Should India be given permanent membership of UNSC?
  • NRI’s: their contribution in the growth of India.
  • Naxalism: The biggest internal security problem.
  • Should sports be made compulsory in schools?
  • Nuclear Liability Bill.
  • “Facebook”: Socialization to degradation of society.
  • What should be the priority of India in the 21st century - employment or entrepreneurship?
  • India is less vulnerable to economic recession.
  • Have we learnt anything from Mumbai 26/11?
  • Should Juvenile offenders be given a death penalty?
  • Should there be reservation in Delhi colleges for local students?
  • Are MNCs colonizing the Indian market?
  • Does India focus on its status in sports?
  • Can Indian fashion designers take our Indian culture to the world?
  • Lower voter turnout: A blot on democracy?
  • Pollution is the price of progress?
  • Currency for Asia. Is it possible?
  • WTO is for India's benefit.
  • Arab Uprising and India.
  • Arab world will definitely have an impact on India
  • India's Kashmir policy is flawed.
  • Global Warming- a threat to the world
  • Is China a threat to the Indian economy?
  • Is climate change alert an exaggeration?
  • Political Instability in Pakistan and its implications for India.
  • How big a threat is China?
  • How should India tackle Pakistan?
  • Should India break Diplomatic Ties with Pakistan?
  • Should India follow China's Google Policy?
  • Should India's foreign policy be Pro-US?
  • United we stand and divided we fall. Discuss w.r.t. India and its neighboring countries.
  • Crisis in Global Banking.
  • Terrorism affects the world economy.
  • Naxal Menace – Who is responsible?
  • Are services like OLA and Uber taking the share of autowalas
  • Should Pakistani artists be baned from working in India?
  • Will Donald Trump’s presidency be a bad news for women?
  • Is China a threat toIndian software industry?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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