Dena Bank PO - 2017

Dena Bank PO selection process consists of an Online Exam (Objective + Descriptive Test), followed by Group Exercise and Interview. This interview is conducted by the banks interested in recruiting Probationary Officers for a particular year.
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration: 15-20 Minutes.
No. of Panelists: 3
Excerpts from Interview 1: Introduce yourself, you’ve scored slightly above our cutoff. Don’t you feel it’s a low score? Do you still feel you will be selected? We outsource technical staff, so why do we go for a candidate with master’s degree in computers? Tell about RBI,Its major functions & whether RBI creates credit? Who prepares budget for Govt. of India?  What are its objectives? What is FDI? How does it differ from FII? What is plastic money? What is difference between Debit card and credit card? Did you see today’s newspaper? What is the current saving rate? Why do different banks have different saving rates?
Excerpts from Interview 2:  Tell us Something about Yourself ? Your strength and weakness? Why should we Hire you as a Banker ?  The present RBI governor? What do know about our bank?  What was you role at previous organisation?  How to check Credit Worthiness? Hot to Read Cibil? Sources of information? What is compulsory for a property to be Legally Acceptable? What is limit for HL under priority landing? What are NPA (Non-Performing Assets), how can u use technical knowledge in correcting the balance sheet? How Can NPA be reduced ? What are FDI (Foreign direct investment) and FII (Foreign institutional investors) and what is the difference in these. RBI Governors, Deputy Governors and Current Chiefs of all Indian Important Financial Agencies. Headquarters of Indian Government Banks. Financial Inclusion and government steps for it? How to Fight Inflation and Current Indian Scenario about Inflation? RBI Key Monetary Policy Rates and their Current Value. Difference between Bill of Exchanges and Certificate of Deposit, Cheques, Demand Drafts and other Money Market Instruments?
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