Tata Inst. of Social Sciences

The process of selection at TISS consists of a Case Study/Group Discussion or Essay Writing for some courses followed by Personal Interviews.
Feedback - Case Study/ Group Discussion
Average Duration: 10-15 mins
No. of Panelists: 3
Group asked to choose a topic out of given two topics
  • Privatization of hospitals or Privatization of education in medical colleges.
  • Industrialization vs. Environmental concerns or Coalition governments in India.
  • Increasing corruption cases and their consequences and measures to control or How to tackle extremism in India.
Feedback - Essay Writing
Average Duration:45 mins.
Word Limit: 1500
  • Overcrowding and other problems in public hospitals.
  • Rising cost of medicines is affecting the common people.
  • Global Warming: reality or myth.
  • Indian Judicial System: from here to where.
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration: 15-20 mins
No. of Panelists: 3
  • Excerpts From Interview 1: (A student with 71 percentile with 72% in 10th, 70% in 12th and 61 % in B.D.S. and 6 months of work experience in hospitals). Why you want to pursue MHA? Mention any work done by you in the field related to hospital administration? Introduce yourself. Tell us one incident in your life which had a great impact on you? What can the management do under such circumstances? Where is Tata Memorial located? If it is a corporate hospital then won't it suffer loss if it starts helping poor patients? What will my hospital earn by helping a poor patient? Tell me how will you manage doctors? How will emergency drugs help? Why do you want to join TISS? What else do you want to learn from TISS? What is NABH and what does it do?
  • Excerpts From Interview 2: (A 79 TISS percentiler with 95% in 10th, 90% in 12th and 67 % in B.D.S.). How is the health sector in India? What is India doing to improve healthcare? Why would you want things to be done for community and not for profits? Why MBA after being a doctor? What is the role of HR in hospital sector? Who is Dr. Manmohan Singh & what are his portfolios? Who is the director of planning commission? Who is the leader of opposition? Does she create a lot of noise in the parliament? What is FDI? If FDI comes in India will it be good for us?
  • Excerpts From Interview 3: (A 73 TISS percentiler with 78.6% in 10th, 77.6% in 12th and 69 % in B.Tech. CSE and 3 years of work experience in IT). How will you develop software to reduce the cost of running the hospital? What are the problems India is facing in the field of health? Why MBA after being a computer Science engineer? You can contribute to the society by just being a computer engineer, so why TISS? Who is the health minister of India?
  • Excerpts From Interview 4: (A 75 TISS percentiler with 87% in 10th, 74% in 12th and 80% in graduation and 6 months of work-ex with a NGO). Introduce yourself. Why MBA? What makes you so much interested in TISS? What areas do you think India needs to improve upon? How is the health system of India? How is education related to healthcare? Tell us something about Indian geography? Introduce yourself. Which is your favorite subject? What is oligopoly? What is perfect competition? How does demands affects supply? What can be done to increase demand? What will you suggest to Finance minister on the budget?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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