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Top 100 Socio-Political & Socio-Cultural topics for GD
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Top 100 Socio-Political & Socio-Cultural topics
Indian television – Where is it leading?
Examinations - has it killed education?
What's so wrong with celebrating Valentine’s Day?
Brain drain has to be stopped
Are we producing a generation of burnt out children?
Are women capable of taking more stress as compared to men?
Are women better managers than men?
Arranged marriages vs. love marriages
Gender neutral parental leave - Pros and Cons
There is nothing wrong in live-in relationship?
Secularism is dangerous in India
Indifference to ideas challenging national unity can be disastrous
Bureaucrats should not be allowed to join political parties after retirement
Religion is a Private Affair
In the world of tough competition, corruption is unavoidable.
Doctors indulging in trafficking of human parts should be given death penalty.
Excessive use of electronic gadgets is leading to hampering of analytical skills of students
Expensive quality is better than cheap trash
Gambling/betting should be legalized in India
Banning of public smoking is a right decision
Indian television – Where is it leading?
Should politicians be given Padma Awards?
Rural placements of doctors should be compulsory or voluntary?
School children should be allowed to own and use mobile phones or not?
Lesser number of females in politics
Corruption is the price we pay for democracy
Ultimate Political solution for India
Social Security in India
Can India become the next superpower?
Can reservation in institutions be shown as an area of social responsibility?
Capitalism is flawed but other systems are much worse.
Centre-State relations in India
Is Globalization a threat to Indian Culture?
Do films create a social evil?
Discrimination in the society
Is our government’s administration poor?
Is Euthanasia morally acceptable?
Is India a superpower in making?
Is India moving towards food insecurity?
Is India really a secular country?
Politicization and Commercialization of sports - reality or fake?
Politics and Religion should definitely go hand in hand.
Politics is a necessary evil.
Criminalization of Politics
Inflation and its social effects
Are Beauty Contests degrading Womanhood?
Social Tools are becoming a social challenge rather than an aid
Higher pay does not ensure removal of corruption.
Mental illness in India
Justice delayed is justice denied
Do celebrities have more freedom of speech than a common man?
Politics and Religion
What should be the right age of Politicians to serve the nation?
Does crime increase with income?
Regional Politics: Boon or Bane for India?
Relevance of democracy
Religion and secularism can coexist
Religion should not be a center stage in a secular state?
Reorganization of states in India
Reservation for Women in higher education
Reservation in the private sector
Reservation of jobs for local people
Drug abuse among Indian teenagers
Should Business Houses finance elections?
Should capital punishment be scrapped?
Should donations to political parties be exempted from Income tax?
Should Gandhigiri be adopted by young generation?
Should India role back the economic stimulus package?
Should Indian politicians be evaluated for their political skills before nomination? If yes, how?
Should youth be engaged in politics?
The Third Front: Importance in Indian Politics.
Reservation for women in jobs.
Turmoil in Pakistan: a threat to India.
Environment concern- how grave is it?
Villages are the pride of India
Voters, not, politicians are responsible for criminalization of politics
What India needs now is Dictatorship.
What should be done to uplift status of Muslims?
While working in a corporate firm, can you contribute towards the development of the society?
India is still a backward nation.
Women's quota increases gender disparity
Dowry system in India is curtailed only in law and not practically
Water Pollution in India
Women in Indian politics – empowerment or tokenism
Whistle Blowers are disloyal agents
Government school dropouts – how to stop?
The Great Indian Telecom Revolution
Rising crimes against women
Has feminism evolved over years?
We are corrupt because we are poor.
Only poor people are responsible for their poverty.
Gender Equality
Corruption means lack of integrity. Do you agree?
Relevance of family run business
Animal research is Moral Crime
Appropriate age for adulthood is 18, 21 or 25 years?
Problems Unite Us, Religion Divide Us
Do celebrities have a responsibility towards consuming and believing in the products and causes they endorse?
National heroes are created and destroyed by government
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