Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai (2012 - 13)

The process of selection at Great Lakes consists of Group Discussions, Essay Writing followed by Personal Interviews.
Feedback - Group Discussion
Average Duration : 10-12 mins.
No. of Panelists : 2
No. of Participants : 12
  • Is greed good for growth and development?
  • Qualification vs. Performance.
  • My generation vs. my parents generation.
  • India vs China.
  • Inclusive Growth is impossible.
Feedback - Essay
Average Duration : 250 words/30 mins
Topics : (Candidates were given three topics out of which they had to select).
  • NGO or MNC what would you choose? And why?
  • CAT and GMAT are not adequate parameters for managerial success.
  • Privatization in public sector.
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration : 20-25 mins
No. of Panelists : 2-3
  • Excerpts From Interview 1 : (A B.Tech. in ECE with 10th -76.4, 12th -79.6 and B. Tech. – 69.11% with 97.4 score in SNAP and 94.0 percentile in XAT and 28 months of experience in IT and has a lots of extracurricular activities). What is waveguide, electromagnetic interference and A to D converter? What is the difference between C and C++? So you have applied for PGPM-HR, What makes you think that you are suitable for MBA and specifically HR? Why are you leaving your current organization? What is the role of HR? This field is dominated by girls. Would you mind it or like it. What is the role of HR in your organization? What do you do on the technical side of the e-recruitment at your organization?
  • Excerpts From Interview 2 : (A 90.25 percentiler with 10th -83.8%, 12th- 81.6% and B.A.-66.7% and 29 months of work-experience). Introduce yourself. What do you mean by banking and insurance? Explain the two terms. What is contra entry? What is demand and supply? What is the economic business cycle? How any currency depreciates or appreciates? Why depreciation is not good? Who is your role model? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Who should be the PM of India and Why? Tell us the latest business news that you are following?
  • Excerpts From Interview 3 : (A 660 GMAT scorer with 10th -83.8%, 12th- 81.6% and B.A.-66.7% and 40 months of work-experience). Why you want to join Great Lakes? What are your views on corruption? How can we reduce it? Why you want to do MBA? Sell yourself. What is ORACLE? Where will you prefer working after MBA? Do you have any dream profile and dream company? What is integrated testing? What are other ways of testing? How do you remove bugs after testing? Who is the governor of your state? What is the role of the governor? What is the meaning of your name?
  • Excerpts From Interview 4 : (A 680 GMAT scorer with 10th -85.6%, 12th- 84.4% and B.E. -72.7% and 46 months of work-experience). Kindly introduce yourself. Why you want to join Great Lakes? What was your job profile? What was your role? Tell us something about your clients? What distinguishes you from your colleagues? What is Monopoly and Oligopoly? What kinds of books you read? Do you apply things you read in practical life? Who is the home minister of India? Who is the chairman of the planning commission of India? What are your hobbies?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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