Group Discussion Topics of 2018

Group Discussions are a vital selection-parameter during the admission stage of various business schools. Knowledge of important GD topics will help a candidate have an upper-hand over other candidates. 
In this article, we provide with top GD topics for the 2019 admission season:
Top 100 Group Discussion Topics of 2018
Factual GD Topics
  1. A.I. in work: how it is going to change future of workspace 
  2. Discuss on the quote by Mark Zuckerberg "We don't make services to make more money, we make money to make better services"
  3. Long term capital gains tax - Who are the winners and who are the losers?
  4. Is India becoming a refugee hub? 
  5. Can management be taught or is it inherent to oneself?
  6. Gender sensitivity is gender equality concern? 
  7. Is India ready for cashless economy? 
  8. Aadhar: Infringement of privacy or not? 
  9. Crypto Currency/ Bitcoin
  10. Bollywood’s claim of Artistic license v/s Social sensitivities 
  11. Is Indian demographic dividend being underutilized? 
  12. India should move to a Presidential form of Government. 
  13. Is population of India an asset or liability?
  14. ‘Right to privacy’ is in danger in India.
  15. With increasing unemployment, India should ban all its efforts on self-driving cars. 
  16. Government should not bail out nationalized banks which are bankrupt. 
  17. Should India finance its infrastructure through internal finances or external borrowings? 
  18. Planning commission or NITI Aayog- has anything changed at ground level? 
  19. Is UDAAN scheme just beneficial on paper or will it have effects on the ground level? 
  20. Data and digitization are no solutions to agrarian distress. 
  21. Should India focus on Smart Cities when 30 crores of its citizens are still without electricity? 
  22. MBA in India is highly over rated. 
  23. Street hawkers should be prohibited, regulated or relocated? 
  24. Farmers’ income can be doubled by the year 2022. What are the challenges faced by the farmers and how can these be tackled? 
  25. What do you think about ‘ageing gracefully’? How can we change the trend of people going for cosmetic surgeries? 
  26. Linking Aadhaar/PAN card/bank account- Is privacy warranted? 
  27. Digital India
  28. Impact of westernization in India 
  29. E-commerce will ruin the retail stores. 
  30. Can India be a developed country and a Super power? 
  31. Effect of demonetization on common citizen vis-a-vis black money holders. 
  32. In a resource starved country like India, spending on space missions is a wastage of resources. 
  33. Do programs like Namami Gange help cleaning rivers in reality? 
  34. Ease of Doing Business: A Reality or Dream in India 
  35. Indians are not conscious about quality.
  36. Is India’s Foreign policy pro-US?
  37. Social media impact on teenagers. 
  38. Air pollution 
  39. Are nuclear families a blessing in disguise? 
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  41. Are men compromising their careers for family? 
  42. Primetime media discussions are propagating intolerance. 
  43. Should advertising targeting children be banned? 
  44. Artificial Intelligence is taking over human workforce.
  45. Is India over employed or overqualified? 
  46. Work-life balance and Need for spirituality 
  47. Management- An art or science? 
  48. #Me too campaign
  49. India needs a uniform civil code
  50. Make in India
  51. Decline in open spaces and playgrounds can lead to negative tendencies in children.
Abstract GD Topics
  1. The world is a dangerous place - Not because of the people who are evil but because of the people who don’t do anything about it. 
  2. Stepping stones or Stumbling Blocks, they depend on the way you see them
  3. Doing something right saves time better than explaining doing something wrong
  4. Strength does not come from physical capacity. It is derived from an indomitable will.
  5. Positive attitude is more important than knowledge for business success. 
  6. Books alone do not make a complete man. 
  7. Red 
  8. Zero
  9. Every cloud has a silver lining.
  10. If everyone agrees on a point, will it be an ideal situation or a suffering? 
  11. The true guardian of democracy should be autocratic in nature. 
  12. How does passion affect our life? 
  13. Friends, Enemy or Frenemies?
  14. Hard Work Vs Smart Work
  15. Black or Grey
  16. Ethics or Profit
  17. Famous vs Important
  18. Roses are red, crows are black
  19. Water or Oxygen
  20. East or West India is the best
  21. Patience: A virtue in Business and Management.
  22. Change is the only constant
  23. Freedom is a myth
  24. Fact Vs Opinion: There are no facts only opinions
  25. Leader or Follower
  26. Black & White
  27. Magic Wand
  28. Ray
  29. Door
  30. Black Box
  31. Strategy or Execution
  32. Means or End
  33. Beauty or Brain - who can rule the world?
  34. It was a bright, cold day in April and the clocks were striking thirteen.
  35. Red is red, blue is blue and never the two shall meet
  36. Brevity is the soul of wit
  37. Utopia
  38. Insanity is essential
  39. What’s there in a name?
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  41. Is ignorance bliss?
  42. There is never a Wrong Time to Do A Right Thing!
  43. Doing Good or Not to Do Any Evil?
  44. Beauty exists not in sameness but in difference
  45. Happiness is a mystery like religion
  46. YOLO philosophy of living life
  47. There is always a second chance
  48. A room without books is like a body without soul.
  49. Borderless world – a myth/reality?
  50. Live and Let Die
  51. Is silence really golden?
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