ISRO Scientist/Engineers ‘SC’ 2018

ISRO conducts the recruitment for the post of Scientist/Engineer every year various streams- Computer Science, Electronics & Communication and Mechanical Engineering. The selection process has two stages-
  1. Written Test
  2. Interview
The written test is conducted only for selecting candidates for the interview round. The test score is not counted while preparing the final merit list. The final selection will be made on the basis of the performance of the candidates in the ISRO Interview. The candidates who will score minimum 60% marks in the interview will be eligible for consideration for empanelment in the selection panel, in the order of merit.
How to go about the interview preparation?
ISRO interview questions are mostly technical in nature. These are not just theoretical questions but also numerical and analytical questions. So the first and foremost thing you need to do is know the topics which you’ll have to revise to be prepared to face the ISRO interview questions. . The main things that the interviewers are looking for are:
  1. Clarity of basic concepts of your field.
  2. Application of those concepts in solving practical engineering problems
  3. The way you approach a problem and the thought process used to reach the solution.
How to tackle technical questions?
To excel in answering technical questions you need to be aware of the syllabus of your relevant field. After knowing the syllabus, the first thing you must take care of, is the basics. Brushing up the basics will help you tackle the advance level questions as well.
The topics depend on the field that you are applying for. Though there is no pre defined syllabus but we have tried to compile a holistic list so that
  1. Computer Science

    • Programming and Data Structures
    • Algorithms
    • Computer Architecture and Organization
    • Digital Logic
    • Operating Systems
    • Database Management Systems
    • Theory of computation
    • Compiler Design
    • Microprocessor
    • Software Engineering & Web technology
    • Digital Image Processing
  2. Mechanical Engineering
    • Fluid Mechanics
    • Strength of Materials
    • Theory of Machine and Mechanical Vibrations
    • Design of machine elements
    • Engineering Mechanics
    • Thermal Engineering
    • Heat Transfer
    • Production Engineering
  3. Electronics and Communication
    • Physical Electronics, Electron Devices and ICs
    • Signals and Systems
    • Network Theory
    • Electromagnetic Theory
    • Analog Electronic Circuits
    • Digital Electronic Circuits
    • Control Systems
    • Communication Systems
    • Microwave Engineering
    • Computer Engineering
Other than just knowing your subjects there are some other things that will help you perform better in your interview.
  • The panel consists of 10 members and they mostly ask you about your favorite subjects so instead of focusing on all subjects, choose 3-4 subjects which are your strengths and prepare them by length and breadth.
  • Sometimes they might ask you to derive certain well known formulas or expressions related to your subjects. So don’t just mug up formulas, also learn the logic behind the formulas and why they are used.
  • They may even give you some analytical problems and ask you to find the solution. Even if you are not able to answer the question, try to make a logical approach to it. Don't get nervous.
As you know that ISRO uses only Interview performance to decide the candidates selected for the job, it is very important that you prepare well for this round. So keep all these tips in mind, work hard and fulfill your dream of being a part of ISRO!
All the best ☺
Happy Reading!
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