Interview FAQ :What kind of Body Language should I use?

Why should I bother about Body Language? The following are some of the reasons for you to be serious about your body language:
  • Body language is very important in the interview - more than "what you say", "how you say it" determines the success or failure in the interview.
  • Reinforces what you are saying.
  • Can distract the interviewer if not well controlled.
  • Impressions regarding confidence and honesty can be built observing body language.
Body language is composition of posture, gestures, facial expressions, voice etc. You can control your movements by following simple guidelines mentioned below:
  • Interviewers know that you may be nervous, but if you are feeling really nervous, you could concentrate on controlling your breathing. The way in which you breathe affects the rhythm and pace of your speech. If you take short,sharp breaths in upper chest, you force yourself to breathe too often to sustain your voice. Unnatural pauses and gasps will punctuate your speech. You should pause at natural breaks to take in your breath. Pausing in these natural breaks provides a further benefit - it gives you some time to think about what you want to say and hence control the content of your speech.
  • If you do not know what to do with your hands, clasp them or put them on your lap. Avoid small repetitive movements: if you keep moving your feet, smoothing your hair or nibbling your fingernails, it will distract the interviewer and indicate that you are nervous. Avoid any side to side swaying movements.
  • Make sure your body language is sufficiently receptive. Don't turn away from the interviewer, or wrap your arms around your chest in self-protection. Don't gaze out of the window as that gives the impression that you are not interested in the interview process. Always try to look the interviewer in the eye while answering questions.
Do's Don'ts
  • Use hand gestures to stress certain points
  • Show that you are listening
  • Smile
  • Point at some-one (rude)
  • Shake your feet (nervousness)
  • Move your hands vigorously
  • Show your palm (aggressive)
  1. What should I wear to the Interview?
  2. How do I greet the Interviewer?
  3. What if I cannot answer the question being asked to me?
  4.  Do I have to ask questions at the end of the interview?
  5.  Significance of the time of the interview
  6. How should I handle myself in a "stress interview" situation?
  7. How to introduce yourself in the interview?
  8. How to handle questions based on family background?
  9. Tricky questions related to your academic performance
  10. Deal with questions based on strengths and weaknesses
  11. Tackle questions related to your hobbies
  12. State the right career objective
  13. Where do you see yourself five years from now?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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