Types of Bank Interview questions: Education and hobbies

Interview is an essential part of selection process in most of the Banks. The purpose of an interview is to evaluate various personality traits, skills and experience of the candidates. The interviewers intend to assess the suitability of the candidates for Banking jobs.
Given below is the list of questions that feature under the two important categories of interview questions:
Banking-specific questions:
  • Why this bank?
  • What do you know about our bank?
  • What would you add to our bank?
  • What makes you think you would successful in the banking sector?
  • What are the different products offered by our bank?
Education based questions:
  • What is your favourite subject? Which college classes did you like the most?
  • Which college classes did you like the least? Why?
  • Describe a course that has had the greatest impact on your thinking?
  • Did your grades accurately reflect your abilities? Why/Why not?
Work Experience based questions:
  • Describe your job profile. Tell us about your major contributions to the company.
  • Describe your job and areas of responsibility.
  • What are your achievements outside these responsibilities?
  • Where did you work? What are the developments you have done there?
  • Which company were you working for?
  • What were the products/services?
  • Is it listed on the stock exchange?
  • What is the strength of the company in terms of the people working in the company?
  • Who are the major suppliers/clients/customers of the company?
  • Who is the Director of the company? Can you briefly describe the hierarchy of the company?
  • Demonstrate skills that you can transfer from past experience.
Extra-Curricular based questions:
  • What extra-curricular activities have you been involved in?
  • What have you learned from these activities?
  • Were these extracurricular activities worth the time you put into them?
  • How did you become involved in these extracurricular activities?
  • What do you enjoy doing outside of work in your free time?
  • Who/which is your favourite author/actor/singer/artist/book/movie/song/painting?
  • Which newspapers/magazines/journals do you read regularly? Which book have you read recently?
  • Have you ever done volunteer activities?
Hobbies based questions:
  • What are your hobbies?
  • How much time do you spend on them?
  • How did you develop this hobby?
  • What have you learned from this hobby? How do you plan to apply it in your life?
  • How do you plan to pursue it in future?
  • Any major achievements in your hobby?
  • How do you allocate time between your hobbies and other activities?
  • How much cost do you incur to pursue your hobbies?
  • What kind of novels do you read? Why?
  • Name a recent book that you have read? What did you learn from it?
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