BARC Exam 2018 Interview Strategy

BARC (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre) conducts an online exam annually for the post of TSO- Trainee Scientific Officer for various streams- Computer Science, Electronics & Communication, Electrical and Civil Engineering. The selection process for OCES/DGFS- 2018 is a two step process- a) Online Screening Test b) Selection Interview
The online screening test has a substitute as well i.e. GATE score. If you don’t want to go for the online test and have a great gate score you can choose to go with the latter. But these test scores are only used to shortlist candidates for the second phase – Selection Interview. The final selection is made on the basis of this BARC interview and the test scores are not considered at this stage.
Know what they are looking for?
First of all, it is important to understand what the interviewers are expecting from an applicant. Knowing the criteria on which you are being judged will help you give your preparation the right direction. In BARC interview the most important aspect that a candidate should take care of is technical know-how as the profile is wholly technical. The main things that the interviewers are looking for are:
  1. Clarity of basic concepts of your field.
  2. Application of those concepts in solving practical engineering problems
  3. The way you approach a problem and the thought process used to reach the solution.
How to tackle technical questions?
To excel in answering technical questions you need to be aware of the syllabus of your relevant field. After knowing the syllabus, the first thing you must take care of, is the basics. Brushing up the basics will help you tackle the advance level questions as well.
The syllabus for various fields is as mentioned below-
  1. Computer Science:
    • Algorithms
    • Programming and Data Structures
    • Computer Networks
    • Computer Organization and Architecture
    • Databases
    • Operating System
    • Digital Logic
    • Theory of Computation & Compiler Design
    • Discrete Mathematics
    • Software Engineering
  2. Electronics and Communication
    • Electronics and Communication
    • Analog Electronics
    • Digital Electronics
    • Electronic Devices and Circuits
    • Networks
    • Computer Engineering
    • Measurements and Instrumentation
    • Control Systems
    • Signals & Systems
    • Communication
    • Electromagnetics
  3. Civil Engineering
    • Structural Analysis
    • Environmental Engineering
    • Strength of Materials
    • Surveying
    • Soil Engineering
    • Construction Materials and Concrete Structures
    • Fluid Mechanics
    • Design of Steel Structures
    • Transportation Engineering
    • Hydrology and Irrigation
  4. Electrical Engineering
    • Electromagnetics
    • Analog Electronics
    • Digital Electronics
    • Measurement and Instrumentation
    • Control Systems
    • Power System
    • Network theory
    • Electrical Machines
    • Power Electronics
    • Signals and Systems
Other important things to be kept in mind:
Other than just knowing your subjects there are some other things that will help you perform better in your interview.
  • The panel consists of 4-5 members and they mostly ask you about your favorite subjects so instead of ‘learning everything about every thing’ focus on ‘learning everything about some things only’. Choose 3-4 subjects which are your strengths and prepare them by length and breadth.
  • Sometimes they might ask you to derive certain well known formulas or expressions related to your subjects. So don’t just mug up formulas, also learn the way they have been formed.
They may even give you some analytical problems and ask you to find the solution. Even if you are not able to answer the question, try to make a logical approach to it. Don't get nervous.
As you know the Selection Interview is the only deciding factor to select candidates for the job, it is of prime importance that you prepare well for this round. So keep all these tips in mind, work hard and land yourself in one of the best PSUs in the country!
All the best ☺
Happy Reading!