Case & Situation based Essay Topics

Case & Situation Based Essay Topics
  • The Company having a good reputation is facing huge losses. Should they shift the type of the business or continue with it only? Give your views
  • Hotel staff doesn't work properly. They have frictions among themselves. So what should the management do?
  • There is a problem with workers. They don't cooperate at all with the management. So should we hire new workers or sort out the problem among them?
  • There was a debate about school exams getting easier. One group said pass percentage above 98% so easier. Other group quoted analogy from Mt. Everest climbers and the number of people ascending the mountain now as compared to mere 2 in 1953. Identify and evaluate the assumptions made by the speakers and also suggest a method for checking
  • "Car for All" company which sells entry level cars is thinking about acquiring a luxury brand. "Car for All" company is very excited about it but they fear that their association with low cost car brand will turn down the customers. Analyze
  • You recently came to know that the school in which you have studied is planning to replace book-based library with Computer Systems based library. Their argument is that students find books boring and time taking. But you feel books are the best method to learn, so you write them to reconsider their decision. Identify and evaluate the assumptions made by the school and provide strong enough points to validate your views so that they change their decision
  • Telecom sector is planning a toll charge for Voice-over-internet and messaging applications like Skype, Whatsapp, Viber, since they have huge investments and infrastructure cost unlike these apps. Asked to analyze the reasons/arguments given and assumptions by telecom companies, and give arguments to weaken their argument, and arguments which can strengthen their argument
  • Ancient Indian scientists haven't been given the due recognition. The ancient scriptures tell that Indian scientists had long before developed aviation technology. The Wright Brothers are unduly credited with the invention of the airplane. Identify the reasons, assumptions and analyze as to how rational the argument was
  • RBI has asked to return old notes. Underlying reasons? What can make it more effective in getting this exercise?
  • Recently in India, the closing time of Bars from 11 PM to 1 AM. Reasons behind this and consequences/ ramifications?
  • Are shortages artificially created in India? Surplus production and still people starve! Lot of graduates but a lot of workforce shortage! Discuss
  • Young people are spending less and less time reading books. Examine the reasons behind this trend. What can be the negative consequences arising out of this?
  • There exists disproportionately low number of women in top managerial positions, reasons and how this issue can be solved?
  • The case of a successful bakery shop, which received a big order from an international bakery company, 'The Cake International'. Data on the bakery shop's profit and losses along with other information was provided. Students were asked to give their advice on whether the bakery shop should go ahead with the Cake International's proposal or not
  • A company wanted to reduce its labor cost, so it moved to a new place where it acquired cheap fresh talent. In this process the company's supplier lost 18% of its employees to this company. What should the company do, move back and incur losses, or stay there with new employees and suffer supply shortage because of migration
  • A person has been working with a company on contract for some 3-4 years. Now, he is recruited by the same company on a permanent position but the company says he will not be entitled to all the benefits and perks that apermanent employee receives until he serves 1 more year with the company. He is already 35 and has family to support including wife and daughter. What should he do?
  • A case study on a manager unable to achieve production targets because of old machines. If he installs new machines production will have to be stopped and the company will have to incur cost of new machines, but this process will be beneficial in the long term. Also the continuation of production is critical to company, what should he do?
  • A case study on a woman with small children and family to take care of being transferred to a location far away from her hometown. It is important to take up this job as a post away from home towns assist in promotions. The lady is in a dilemma whether to take promotion and get transferred or join a new company. What should she do?
  • This is related to a person named Mary and her boss Jack. Mary has to do market research and come up with list of companies for selection of accounting software. However the existing payroll service is being provided by XYZ Company which is not shortlisted by Mary. The president of this company is a friend of Jack. Jack influences Mary's decision and contract is awarded to XYZ .3 questions given at the end to discuss
  • A case based on findings of pesticides and insecticides in the coca cola drinks, problems like unavailability of ground water for communities living around cola plants, levels of high cadmium (carcinogenic) in ground water near its plants resulting in negative publicity by media and the brand taking a financial hit. Should the brand be held accountable for the problems or is it attracting negative attention because it is a big brand?
  • You are an influential member of Indian Business Confederation. What measures would you take to improve trade relations with country like Pakistan?
  • You are going to conduct cultural fest of your college and there were incidents of legal violation and indecent behavior last year. So discuss what measures will you take this year?
  • You are a senior official of Election Commission and elections are due in 6 months. What actions will you take for the smooth elections?
  • You are going to conduct cultural fest of your college and there were incidents of legal violation and indecent behavior last year. So discuss what measures will you take this year?
  • Assume that you are the member of the Central Education Department. Suggest some reforms in the Engineering Education in India
  • What should be done in a situation where in an arrogant and a rude boss refuses to give appraisals to his employees. What should be done in such a situation?
  • Your boss has asked you to indulge yourself in an unethical practice which would help your company reap big profit. How will you deny his order without landing your job in any danger?
  • Case Study of a new employee who has achieved 90% target, the boss is happy but fellow colleagues are jealous, how should the employee tackle the situation?
  • A 4 year old employee is not performing well for 4 years because of personal problems. Earlier colleagues were helping him they are also not supporting him. If you join in as a manager, what would you do?
  • A female employee takes i-Pod to her work and keeps on listening to music at the cost of interaction with her colleagues. She is introvert. What would you do?
  • A senior employee comes late to work and leaves back early from the office. His juniors are also following the same trend. What will you do in such situation?
  • You are manager of a department where an employee's performance has been below par for 2years due to problems at home. How will you deal with it now?
  • AICTE has proposed a distance education for engineering courses. Practical teaching would be hindered but it would be helpful for students having less resources. Discuss
  • A not for profit hospital was started up by 5 entrepreneurs at a dalit area. They were not able to raise money for the hospital. Come out with ways to finance the hospital
  • A hard working employee takes holiday without the permission of his manager and his salary for that day is deducted . He quits his job after this. Discuss what should have been the possible ways to tackle this
  • President of a company POLARAC was to be selected from the list of 5 candidates whose educational background and work-experience was given to the students. Students were asked to select the president from the given list of candidates. Individual presentation was to be given for 2 mins
  • Global warming, greenhouse effect, its impact on people and the steps taken by the government. Is global warming a threat to people in coastal areas or entire planet earth? What steps can the government and industries take to avert the consequences? Excessive use of resources like petrol and diesel impacts people who do not use it. How can this act be justified?
  • A boy wants to go for a camp. His father is telling him to save some money for his camp .The boy works hard and saves a little above 3000, the cost required for the camp. Now, his father asks for the money stating that he along with his friends has planned a fishing trip. Imagine yourself as the boy and how would you convince your father to allow you to go for the camp
  • A team member is affected with HIV. Other team members act indifferently towards him. What will you do as the team manager?
  • 2 friends - 1 ethical, 1 unethical, unethical wants the others to recommend him. What should he do?
  • You are in a railway booking line and you have to reach an extremely important Interview spot. There are 5 persons in front of you and it is known that only 2 tickets are left at the counter. What would you do?
  • A sales team presented inflated figures before management was given. Give your views on how to deal with such a situation?
  • A man becomes alcoholic after experiencing many difficulties in both his personal and private life. Assume to be a friend of the man in question and give opinions on how to help him
  • The HR of a company asks for the salary hike of the employees, an idea opposed by shareholders. Analyse the situation and comment on HR's decision
  • The gold rate has been rising from the past 12 years. And it fell by 30% last year. What do you think will be gold’s future rate?
  • In a company, leaders give value to teamwork. But they award individually based on indicators like number of hours clocked, client satisfaction etc. Now instead, the team members started competing with each other for recognition including hiding important client related details which sometimes have disastrous consequences like the loss of clients. Find the problem, the possible solutions and give recommendations.
  • A train got derailed across 2 tracks at night, so the authorities cleared the train from the track, but rerouted all the trains on the 2 tracks. Due to this, students travelling for the HSC examination were affected. Also the local commuters were affected. There was media outcry and there were proposals to remove the Divisional Railway Manager (DRM). As a manager of DRM what will you do?
  • A company ABC manufacturer’s paints-it causes health problem to employees and users, what will you do as the quality manager?
  • You are the school principal, because of a faulty question paper, many students have failed. Parents are demanding a re-exam but employees are not ready to do it in a short time. What will you do?
  • School Management has been negligent and a number of 12th grade students (wanting to apply for colleges) have been failed in one exam jeopardizing their chances to a better future. What course of action do you suggest?
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