ICFAI Business School

The process of selection at ICFAI consists of Group Discussions and Personal Interviews.
Feedback- Group Discussion
Average Duration : 15 mins.
  • Why there are lesser no. of females in politics?
  • If you have last opportunity to have a possession than what will you prefer- Diamond or a dog?
  • Corruption is the price we pay for democracy.
  • Public sectors have performed better than the private sectors.
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration : 10 min.
No. of Panelists : 2
  • Excerpts from Interview 1 : How was your stay at Hyderabad? So you have done your bachelors in economics? Can I ask you something from economics? Questions from economic theory and market conditions of India. Why do you want to do MBA from our college?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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