Accenture Interview Questions

Excerpts from Interview #1:
(CGPA 6.77 in Graduation, 84% in 12th and 78.4% in 10th).
Technical Interview:
  • What is difference between call by value and call by reference for functions.
  • Write a program in C++ for Fibonacci series.
  • Define encapsulation in C++.Explain “Abstraction and encapsulation are complementary concepts”.
  • Tell us about the projects you undertook in your summers.
HR Interview:
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  • What do you expect from Accenture as an employer?
  • List some of the current news headlines.
  • Do you have any questions for us?
  • What are your views on social networking? Is it helpful or harmful?
Excerpts from Interview #2:
(CGPA 6.2 in Graduation, 65% in 12th and 84.34% in 10th.)
Technical interview:
  • Explain at least 3 basic concepts/ features of OOPS.
  • What are recursive functions? Give three examples.
  • What can you tell us about the latest android version M and how is it different from others?
  • What are the significance of semaphores? What are the different types of Semaphores?
HR Interview:
  • Tell us about yourself & your family background.
  • How will you manage a team under pressure?
  • What have you done to improve your academic position in the last 2 years?
  • Why do you have such a low score in academics in 12th?
  • What is your dream company?
  • Will you be willing to work night-shift?
  • What is 'MAKE IN INDIA' initiative? What are your views about it?
  • Why does the Indian flag have 24 spokes?
Excerpts from Interview #3:
(CGPA 7.14 in Graduation, 79.65% in 12th and 84.23% in 10th.)
Technical interview:
  • What are the different types of database keys?
  • Write a function to reverse a linked list.
  • How prevalent is cycle stealing in modern systems?
  • What are the various On-Delete options in a DB table? Which is the default option?
  • Provide insight into the ecommerce market in India.
HR Interview:
  • Tell us something about yourself.
  • What do you think should be done to improve our company?
  • Have you ever had issues with your colleagues? Tell us how you have handled it.
  • What philosophy guides you in your work?
Excerpts from Interview #4:
(CGPA 6.54 in Graduation, 91.1% in 12th and 87.2% in 10th.)
Technical interview:
  • What are the four set properties that make sure that database transactions run reliably?
  • State the various states of a transaction in DBMS along with an example.
  • What are the similarity and difference between class and structure?
  • What is an exception? What are the reasons behind its occurrences ?
HR Interview:
  • Tell us about yourself.
  • Name our competitors and how are they different from us.
  • Walk us through your resume.
  • A lot of companies have visited your campus for recruitments, why haven’t you been placed yet?
Excerpts from Interview #5:
(CGPA 8.4 in Graduation, 77% in 12th and 86% in 10th.)
Technical interview:
  • What is the significance of AVL tree?
  • Where is top-n analysis in DBMS used ?
  • What is advantage of tree over array and linked list? Explain with an example ?
  • Explain Stored Procedures in DBMS. Where are they stored?
HR Interview:
  • Tell us about yourself.
  • Just a minute topic: Automobile Sector in India.
  • Why should we hire you for this role?
  • How do you evaluate your own performance?
  • Do you follow anything to improve your knowledge?
  • Are you planning to opt for further studies?
Excerpts from Interview #6:
(CGPA 8.2 in Graduation, 81% in 12th and 76% in 10th.)
Technical interview:
  • What is a non static member function? How is it called?
  • Explain different types of semaphores along with its uses.
  • How trashing causes performance of the computer to degrade?
  • What is difference between turnaround time and response time?
  • A structure and a class use similar syntax. True or False?
  • Write a structure specification that includes 4 float variables called length, breadth, height and volume. Call this structure box.
  • What technology have you used in your 6th and 8th semester project?
  • Define the following terms: DBMS, query, SQL.?
  • What is the difference between primary and secondary key in DBMS?
  • What is XML and some of its applications?
  • What is a procedural programming? Give some of its examples.?
  • Explain the different phases of a compiler ?
  • What is significance of time division multiplexing ?
  • What is the purpose of normalization of database? What are the different rules for normalization?
  • What do you understand by method overloading?
  • What is the rule of optimality in routing algoritms ?
HR Interview:
  • What do you want to do with your life?
  • How would you describe your ideal job?
  • How did you decide about this career?
  • If you face a problem with your own performance, what would you do?
  • Describe a situation where you were successful, how did you achieve your success?
  • If you have never lead in the past, how would you do it in this role?
  • What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?
  • Do you think you are a team player? Why?
  • Do you handle conflict well?
  • If I were to ask one of your professors to describe you, what would he or she say?
  • What are your long term and short term goals?
  • What is the meaning of your name?
  • Why are you an ideal candidate for this job?
  • Which two achievements of your life are the most important to you? Why?
  • How did you perform in your written test?
  • State two of your weaknesses and strengths.
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