NHPC Interview Questions

Excerpts from Interview #1:
(A B.Engg ECE student from Panjab University with 7.34 CGPA and having 87.5 % in 12th and 90 % in 10th standard.)
Technical Interview:
  • Why we generate 11 KV power supply in generating station?
  • If single phase is having 220 volts supply then why three phase is having 440 volts instead of 660 volts?
  • What's the difference between voltage & current & emf?
  • Why can not you store AC power in battery like DC power?
  • Why doesnt a transformer have a starter?
HR Interview:
  • Tell something about yourself.
  • Why do you want to work for NHPC?
  • What do you know about NHPC?
Excerpts from Interview #2:
(A B.Engg. EEE student from Panjab University with profile as 6.18 CGPA and having 71.4 % in 12th and 89.7 % in 10th.)
Technical interview:
  • How we calculate the spacing between the conductors in 11,33KV lines?
  • What is the basic difference between synchronous motor, synchronous generator and induction motor?
  • Why capacitor bank always connected in delta, why not in star to a system?
  • What is rise time and half time?
HR Interview:
  • Are you good at working in a team?
  • What is the most difficult thing about working with you?
  • How do you think you can make a contribution to NHPC?
Excerpts from Interview #3:
(A B.Engg. ECE student from Panjab University with profile as 7.3 CGPA and having 89.4 % in 12th and 86 % in 10th.)
Technical interview:
  • What is capacitor voltage transformer? How it is different from potential transformer?
  • In 400 KV system why should we trip both side CB when we give hand trip?
  • How do we calculate the spacing between the conductors in 11,33KV lines?
  • What is AVR? Explain the function AVR?
HR Interview:
  • Introduce yourself.
  • How do you establish good communication and information flow with others?
  • Give an example of how you worked on team.
  • Tell me about your proudest achievement.
Excerpts from Interview #4:
(A B.Engg. ECE student from Panjab University with profile as 7.64 CGPA and having 71.4 % in 12th and 89.7 % in 10th.)
Technical interview:
  • State sampling theorem.
  • What is cut off frequency?
  • What is pass band?
  • What is modulation and demodulation?
  • What is a repeater?
HR Interview:
  • What are your plan for the next 5 years?
  • Will you go for higher studies?
  • If you are given option for MBA or job what will you choose?
Excerpts from Interview #5:
(A B.Engg. ECE student from Panjab University with profile as 7.25 CGPA and having 78.5 % in 12th and 85 % in 10th.)
Technical interview:
  • What is function of an op amp?
  • What is the difference between CDMA, TDMA, and FDMA?
  • Give an example of a closed loop automatic system?
  • What is the difference between JFET and MOSFET?
HR Interview:
  • Introduce yourself.
  • Why didn't you join a private company?
  • Are you a team player?
  • Any queries?
Excerpts from Interview #6:
(A B.E. ECE student having 10th grade - 92.4%, 12th grade - 86%, Graduation score - 65.4%)
Technical interview:
  • What do you mean by operator overloading?
  • State three differences between Dbms and Rdbms?
  • What is the difference between ddl,dml and dcl commands?
  • State what is encapsulation and friend function?
  • What is the difference between function overloading and over riding?
HR Interview:
  • Introduce yourself?
  • Can strength be a weakness?
  • Why NHPC?
  • What are your expectations from the company?
  • Do you have any questions for us?
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