Indian Institute of Management, Shillong (2013 - 14)

The process of selection at IIM-Shillong includes an Essay and a Group Discussion on the same topic followed by a Personnel Interview.
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration: 20-30 mins.
No. of Panelists: 3(1-Current affairs,1-Academics,1-Ethical questions)
  • Excerpts From Interview 1: (A 99.09%iler in CAT and 97.4 in SNAP with B. Tech in Mechanical with academic profile as 78.5% in Graduation, 83% in 12th and 95.2% in 10th). Final year project? What is the capital of Punjab? Name the 5 rivers of Punjab? Who is the Election Commissioner of India? State two differences between steam and gas turbine.
  • Excerpts From Interview 2: (A 97.91%iler in CAT with 2 years of work experience with graduation in B.Com and CA (Inter) and CS (Executive) and academic profile as 76% in Graduation, 86% in 12th and 92% in 10th). Any other planned city except Chandigarh? Which subject do you like? What is ESOP’s and IPO’s? Why CA & MBA together?
  • Excerpts From Interview 3: (A candidate with 99.7%iler in CAT with B.Tech in CSE with academic profile as 80.3% in Graduation, 83.2% in 12th and 91% in 10th). Who has won the Nobel Prize this year for Chemistry? Who is the Election commissioner of India? US Federal Reserve head? Who is the SBI Head? Gandhian and Bose Independence – which one would you prefer and why? Right to education in India? Current economy of India. Current of women reservation bill. State with highest economy in India? DBMS – What is a Deadlocks – You are travelling, 2 people book tickets at same time, will it be a deadlock? Computer network-wireless? What was the controversy of Jwala Gutta all about?
  • Excerpts From Interview 4: (A 98%iler in CAT with integrated from chemistry with CGPA 8.0 and 77% in 12th and 83% in 10th). Questions on final year project – Metal organic coordination networks. Environmental Issues. Politics – What is the current election scenario? Why MBA?
  • Excerpts from Interview 5: (A 86.95%iler in CAT with general category (physically handicapped) with CGPA 8.57 in B.Tech, 89.6% in 12th and 93.6% in 10th). History – Punjab (First war, Kings of Punjab, who made TAJ, History)? Interest in ART – Interpretation of Mona Lisa. Rock Garden, Coast of India cities trade. Definition of Capacitor, Inductor, Resistors Diode, Transistors – Tech. Question on History of Shillong. Rivers of India. Actors and Actresses of Punjab.
  • Excerpts From Interview 6: (A 98.98%iler in CAT with B. Tech background from UIET-PU with 24 months of work experience and academic profile as 75.79% in Graduation, 85.4% in 12th and 89.2% in 10th). Who is Satya Nadela? National Festival – History? What do you do in ROTARACT? What are the different Women Schemes, women in corporate. What is your preference for institute?
  • Excerpts from Interview 7: (A 97.91%iler in CAT with Post Graduation in Masters Entrepreneurship with 73.8%, 75.6% in B.Com, 91% in 12th and 89.6% in 10th). Questions from statics – 6 sigma? Why only 3-4 not others? Price elasticity, consumer eg: Maslow’s Theory – Marketing and Economics. How will you market a water bottle? What are your core competencies?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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