BEL Interview Questions

Excerpts from Interview #1:
(A B.E. ECE student from Panjab University with a CGPA 9.30, a percentage of 96.5 in 10th std. -CBSE Board and a percentage of 92.71 in 12th std. –CBSE Board.)
Technical interview:
  • What is the band between the frequency 3MHZ to 30MHZ called?
  • What are the possible modes of wave propagation in that mode?
  • What is skip distance?
  • What is multipath propagation?Can you give another name for it? How will you overcome its effects?
HR Interview:
  • What phrase do you use the most - Thank You or Sorry?
  • Tell me about yourself and why should we hire you when we can promote someone within the organization?
  • Are you willing to work irrespective of your domain and field of expertise?
  • What are your favourite topics in Electronics Engineering? What is the chief principle of RADAR?
Excerpts from Interview #2:
(A B.E. Mech student from IIT Ropar with a CGPA 8.54, a percentage of 82.33 in 10th std. -CBSE Board and a percentage of 79.11 in 12th std. –CBSE Board.)
Technical interview:
  • What is the combustion cycle of a Diesel Engine?
  • What is first angle and third angle projection?
  • What is the working principle of a refrigerator?
  • How would you differentiate between a 2D and a 3D RADAR?
HR Interview:
  • What kind of person would you like to work with?
  • Let us assume that you get a job in BEL and IOCL, which one would you prefer and why?
  • If you are selected , would you still consider applying to other PSU's?
  • What de-motivates you to do good on your job?
Excerpts from Interview #3:
(A B.E. ECE student from IIT Ropar with a CGPA 7.92, a percentage of 90.45 in 10th std. -CBSE Board and a percentage of 92.34 in 12th std. –CBSE Board.)
Technical interview:
  • What is skin effect and what are its consequences? Why waveguides are used?
  • What is the difference between strip lines and micro-strip lines?
  • What is the difference between an isolator and a circulator? Can a circulator be used as an isolator?
  • What Universal Logic Gate will you prefer and specify the cases in which your choice would be preferable?
HR Interview:
  • What would you consider your most challenging assignment?
  • Don't you think you are overqualified,considering the factors of your trainings and project experience?
  • If Yes, why are you still willing to apply at this position? If No, are you willing to work at a lower pay scale?
  • What position did you prefer in your team while working on your project?
Excerpts from Interview #4:
(A B.E. ECE student from Panjab University with a CGPA 8.34 , a percentage of 80 in 10th std. -CBSE Board and a percentage of 88.20 in 12th std. –CBSE Board.)
Technical interview:
  • What is doppler effect and give its applications?
  • What do you mean by a cell in mobile communications?Does cell size affect mobile communications?
  • What is VSWR? How does a multimeter work?
  • What is CDMA?How is it better compared as to FDMA and TDMA?
HR Interview:
  • Do you have any second thoughts on joining us?
  • How will you ensure your consistency and efficiency in meeting deadlines once you join the organization?
  • Are you willing to relocate to any different city immediately for a project?
  • Can you tell us your thoughts about your interview experince with us?
Excerpts from Interview #5:
(A B.E.EEE student from IIT Ropar with a CGPA 9.03, a percentage of 89.5 in 10th std. -CBSE Board and a percentage of 93.86 in 12th std. –CBSE Board.)
Technical interview:
  • What is the difference between a RADAR and a SONAR? Can we use a SONAR instead of a RADAR?
  • What is the difference between an active RADAR and passive RADAR?State their advantages and disadvantages?
  • What do you know about RADAR homing technology? Give its applications.
  • What are heat seekers?
HR Interview:
  • What is the difference between Recruitment and Selection?
  • How will you prove yourself as an innovative person at work?
  • Why choose a PSU when you have such good credentials?
  • Why choose a Public sector undertaking (PSU) over a private firm? Aren’t they more competitive than us?
Excerpts from Interview #6:
(A B.E. Mech Student from PEC with a CGPA 6.54, a percentage of 87.2 in 10th std. -CBSE Board and a percentage of 74.3) in 12th std. -CBSE board.
Technical interview:
  • During the design of a friction clutch what are the considerations that should be made?
  • What are the different types of brakes?
  • On what basis, can sliding contact bearings be classified?
  • What are the advantages of Cycloidal and Involute gears?
HR Interview:
  • Tell us about your highs and lows in these 4 years of college life.
  • We have undergoing projects all over India, is it feasible for you as an employee if your job profile requires frequent travelling or relocation to a place away from your current residence?
  • Logical or Choice Based Questions: You have a cake. How would you divide it into 8 pieces using only 3 lines?
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